| The Crucial Role of Technical Education in | Fostering Innovation, | Career
Advancement, and | Economic Prosperity
Education has become a very important branch of human service in modern life. It is at the development of our mind, personality, and character. There are three branches of education in the world.
- Social Education.
- Moral or spiritual education.
- Vocational education.
education teaches us how to live in society. It makes us aware of our rights
and duties as citizens. Spiritual Education gives us training in the
development of morals and manners. Vocational education teaches us how to earn
our bread. Technical education is a type of vocational education. It is the
education that deals, with some practical or mechanical art it includes
training in trade, commerce, agriculture, medicine, and engineering.
system of education is based on wrong concepts and policies. We give liberal or
no technical education to our students. This type of education produces
clerks and non-technical staff in all fields of life. The young men run after
office jobs. Our country is rich in raw resources. But we do not have the technical
hands to benefit from them. The prosperity of a country depends on its ability
to trade with other countries. Due to a lack of technical education, we cannot
export our agricultural products in large numbers. Our trade, business, and medicine are
far behind the international community. It is only the adequate number of
technical people that can add to the prosperity of our nation.
education is essential for our country. First, it will put an end to
poverty. It can overcome unemployment. It can promote the material prosperity
and economic advancement of the country. Second, the students will learn the
importance of the dignity of labor. Manual labor is hated in our country. Work
with tools is considered a curse by our young men. The importance of manual
labor must be highlighted to them.
government must open enough schools and colleges where students should be given
technical education in all fields of life. America, Russia, Japan, and the United
Kingdom are the first powers of the world. Why? It is because they are technically
and scientifically higher than other countries. If we want to end poverty
and unemployment, we must give technical education to our young boys and girls.
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