Essay |Science Is a Good Servant But Bad Master

Essay Science Is a Good Servant But Bad Master

Essay |Science Is a Good Servant But Bad Master

Science has played a vital role in the progress of mankind. With its discoveries in all fields of life, it has brought prosperity and material progress to man. It has conquered the forces of Nature. Pure science is nothing but an exploration of truth and reality. The scientific spirit which is nothing else, but the spirit of rationality, inquiry, and method is excellent. Nobody can condemn it. However, it is the application of science that is responsible for giving comfort to suffering mankind. Science is good …. very good when it irons our clothes or cooks our food with the help of electricity and enables us to fly in an airplane. However, science becomes a curse when it is used to kill mankind.

It is true that a scientific invention can never be blamed for the tragedy of man. After all, an atom bomb does not explode of its own accord. It explodes by the mischief of the devil, called man. There is nothing wrong fundamentally with the atomic bomb or Hydrogen bomb. The spirit of science is very beneficial and helpful.

But history shows that the application of science has not been governed by justice. Science has been applied in several ways to cause suffering and sorrow to mankind.


The wrong application of scientific Inventions produced unemployment. In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution took place due to the inventions of machines. Human labor was replaced by machines. “Men have become the tools of their tools”. Workers and laborers were rendered jobless. Industrialism brought another evil in its wake. It brought into being a new class of capitalists and laborers. The labor of the workers was exploited by the industrialists. The industrialists gained much, while the workers gained little. Two classes of people were born, and the society was divided into two groups. A constant class battle started. Strikes and lockouts became very common. The application of machinery resulted in the suffering of mankind. Even today, the conditions are no better. In the modern world, the use of machinery has given birth to unemployment, inflation, and class distinction.


The wrong use of science in the social fields has also given birth to many objectionable trends in life. Science has made man a material beast. The introduction of machines has made man materialistic. Everybody now runs after the glitter and glow of life. Money has become the pedestal on which man judges his social relations with his relatives and dear ones.

In his rat race to earn money, man has lost touch with the moral and spiritual values of life. The sanctity of the joint family system has been ruined. Art, Literature, and religion have been revised under the overwhelming influence of materialism. The life of man has become artificial. In spite of new medicines and modern methods of surgery, the standard of health has not been improved. Millions of people still die of diseases and ailments which modern science has failed to diagnose.

Science has robbed a man of his inner bliss. It has made his life mechanical and artificial. Man has become a greedy beast who aims at grabbing everything he sees. He has been deprived of moral qualities such as contentment, patience, and sacrifice. The fast tempo of life, which science has brought in, is eating away the very vitals of human happiness. In spite of all material progress, man is still confronted with ignorance, illness, and hunger.


The wrong application of science in the field of armament and weapons cannot be defended by any person. It has made war a destructive and senseless adventure. The invention of poisonous gases and the dread of chemical materials have made war a very horrible game. The sophisticated weapons of war like atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, computerized missiles, and poisonous gases are some of the gifts of science. They caused wholesale destruction in the war. No country today can escape harm in a war. Almost every great thinker has denounced and condemned war. Swift addresses it as ‘that mad game the world so loves to play’. Thus goes a German proverb. ‘A great war leaves the country with three armies- an army of crippled, an army of mourners, and an army of thieves.’

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