Essay | My Fovourite Poet and Philosopher | Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal


Essay My Favourite Poet and Philosopher Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Essay |My Favourite Poet and Philosopher |Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal


“Blessings be with them, and eternal praise.

The poets who on earth have made us heirs.

Of truth and pure delight, by heavenly lays.


I am afraid I am rather romantic. Elders complain of my ‘youthfulness and dreaminess.’ But they do not know the whole truth. I also strive for truth, though I would much rather have it from the poets and philosophers, than from the scientists. Poetry is the art of expressing one's feelings and ideas in an effective manner. It inspires our minds and uplifts our souls. It bestows on us imaginative and spiritual pleasure. A poet being gifted with pure Imagination can make us see the world in a new manner. I am a lover of all types of poetry.

I have read English, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Punjabi poems with keen interest and pleasure. I can say with full confidence that no poet can surpass Iqbal as regards the message, ideas, and rhythm of his poems. He is an international poet. His fame as a poet of hope and optimism has reached all comers of the world. His books have been translated Into English, German, Persian, and many other languages of the world. He was not only a poet but also a great thinker. In fact, he adopted poetry as a vehicle for conveying his ideas. That is why, he is called a philosopher poet.

Unlike other Urdu poets, he does not dwell on the themes of love and beauty. Islam and Muslim civilization form the fundamental theme of his poetry. He is nostalgic about the glory and supremacy of the Muslim civilization. He composed many sad and mournful verses on the decline of Muslim culture. He was a poet of extraordinary foresight. He warned the Muslims against the evils of adopting Western culture.

He disliked the Western culture and said:

Empty of concord is the soul of Europe,

Whose civilization to no Makkah bends,

Dr. Muhammad Allama Iqbal is deeply convinced about the supremacy of Islam over other civilizations and believes that Muslims can regain their past glory if they follow the principles of Islam. He is pained to know that the Muslims have sunk into degradation by giving up their own golden principles and traditions. The Muslims have lost touch with their creator. It is for their creator who can win them again the title of torch bearer of knowledge and research. It is the love of God that is missing in their prayers and recitations. He says:

Love's madness has departed; in

The Muslims ' blood runs thin;

Ranks broken, hearts perplexed, prayers cold

No feeling deeper than the skin

I like his poetry which gives us the message of hope and struggle of life. His concept of ‘Khudi’ is based on struggle, firm resolution, sincerity of purpose, and determination. It has been rightly expressed by the English poet W.B. Henley:

It does not how straight the gate is.

How charged with punishment the scroll,

I am the master of my fate.

I am the captain of my soul.

He uses the symbol ‘eagle’ as a symbol of struggle, energy, and determination in his poetry. This concept of ‘Khudi’ charged the Muslims with new energy to fight against the forces of darkness, aggression, and Injustice. The Muslims woke from their slumber and under the sincere leadership of the Quaid-I-Azam won Pakistan for themselves. Dr. Muhammad Allama Iqbal was the first thinker who gave the idea of Pakistan. He has to his credit many collections of poems. ‘Bange-Dara’, ‘Bal-e-Jabril’, ‘Zarb-e-Kalim’, ‘Asrar-e-Khudi’, ‘Phyam-E-Mushriq’ and ‘Javad Nama’ are some of them. In all these collections of poems, he has urged the Muslims to know their identity and discover the spiritual treasures of ideas lying in it.

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