Write A Letter To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Problem Of Street Begging.

Write A Letter To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Problem Of Street Begging

Write A Letter To The Editor Of A Newspaper About The Problem Of Street Begging.

The Editor,
The News,

Respected sir,

Through the columns of your esteemed paper, I want to draw the attention of the government and the masses to the problem of street begging. It needs immediate attention. It seems that begging has become affection as it is the easiest way of earning money.

Many able-bodied and healthy persons are often seen begging. They are found in offices, houses, streets, bazaars, shops, and all other public places. They are a cause of perpetual nuisance. I suggest the following steps check this tendency.

The government should open poor houses for handicapped beggars. The public should contribute to their maintenance and discourage professional beggars. The government should also frame loss to control them. It should make healthy beggars work on fixed wages and lead a reasonable life.

Yours truly,

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