all know that slavery is a curse. Let us relate a story to illustrate this
lived a wolf in a forest. He lived his life by hunting animals. This was the
only source of food for him. The Winter season set in. Many animals died of cold
and many others left the forest in search of warm places. The wolf did not like
to become a rolling stone and decided to stay there in all circumstances.
days passed and he could not get sufficient food. It was the breaking point for
him and he was almost mad with hunger. He came out of his den and decided to
search for food at every cost. On his way, he met a very fat and healthy dog.
The dog was surprised to see the wolf in that miserable condition. He asked the
wolf what the problem was. The wolf told him the whole situation. He asked the
dog where he got the food from. The dug told him that his master was very
generous and gave him rich food. That is why he was so happy and healthy. He
promised the wolf that he would obtain rich food from his master for him also.

wolf agreed and accompanied him to his master's house. Suddenly, the wolf saw a
mark on the dog's neck. He asked the dog about this mark. Very frankly, the dog
told him that he was kept chained all day and let loose at night. His
master had a belt around his neck to keep him under control. This was the mark
of slavery. The wolf was terrified at the very idea of slavery. He was a wolf
of self-respect. He preferred death to dishonour and disgrace. He liked to reign
in hell than serve in heaven. Freedom is a blessing and he did not want to
sacrifice it for the sake of rich food. He decided to return to his den and
live an independent life.
- Slavery is a Curse.
- It is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
- Freedom is a great blessing.