How to write a report on the working of a city orphanage from a social worker to the Secretary, Social Welfare Department.
Date: 1 August 2022
The Secretary, Social Welfare
Department, Lahore
From: Secretary, DE Social Welfare
Organization, Lahore
Subject: Working of the FG Orphanage, Railway Road, Lahore
The DE Social Welfare Organization assigned me to report on the working of the
FG Orphanage, Railway Road to you after receiving several complaints from the
general public. Consequently, I visited the orphanage on 28 July 2022 for
a full survey.
Not Big Enough for the Inmates, I found about
five to eight boys lodged in quite small rooms each. (Each room measured about
12 ft. by 10 ft.) They were badly buddle (crowded) together sharing the
bedding in pairs.
Too Dirty and Small. The bathrooms were
not big enough for the rooms. They were too dirty to be used.
Hall Neither Big Nor Clean. The dining
hall could not accommodate more than one hundred people whereas the orphans
numbered two hundred. As a result, there was noise and confusion at meal hours.
The hall was found dirty all around.
Facilities Not Adequate. It was noted during
the survey that medical facilities were far from satisfactory. For two hundred
orphans and the staff of the orphanage, only one small dispensary was provided.
Most of the medicines for common ailments (diseases) were found wanting. The
medical attendant was most of the time absent, and he was not a qualified
Clothes of Orphans Dirty and Old. The clothes that the orphans were wearing were dirty and so old that they looked almost worn-out. Some orphans in the cold were without proper coats and pullovers.
Recreational (for enjoyment) Facilities Almost Non-existent. The orphans could not enjoy playing any indoor games as there were to facilities. In the small common room which had no paint left on the walls, a defective TV set alone could be seen. A mat was spread on the broken floor for TV viewers. On inquiry 1 found that the TV had been out of order for two months.
Extra Room for Guests. If any guests visited
the orphanage to meet the orphans there was no extra room for the purpose. The
guests had to keep standing in the corridors.
The condition of the orphanage was such that no orphan would have ever liked to
be housed in it. It was by sheer force that orphans were being kept here.
Suggestions. The Social Welfare Department should immediately send its representatives to the orphanage in order to hold an inquiry into its affairs in detail. The present report will help in the investigation. Then steps can be taken to improve its conditions
Ali Khan
DE Social Welfare Organization,