Write a letter to your father, giving him your first impressions of college

Write a letter to your father, giving him your first impressions of college.

Write a letter to your father, giving him your first impressions of college.


Abbot Road, Lahore.

July 03, 2021.


My dear Father,

Thank you for your loving letter. You have asked me to give my first impressions of my college. Here is something about it.

The first day when I came to the college I found myself lost in a wilderness. I almost wanted to run away. Every senior student came and looked in my face with a strange, mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Some of them actually played practical jokes upon us the poor freshers. One of the boys wrote a big ‘Fool’ on my back. I felt like striking him in the face but somehow resisted this temptation. After two days the first storm was over and we began to feel at home.

Now let me tell you something about life in college. A college is unlike a school. College discipline is not so strict as school discipline. A student in a college lives like a prince. He does a lot of talking and playing and studies very occasionally. If he is not regular in his studies, no one bothers about it. Some of the most popular students are those who do very little in the way of studies. They go about in the college corridors with an air of superiority which is perhaps the privilege of only those students who have failed repeatedly in every house examination. I wonder if failure is a discredit.

The professors are different from schoolmasters. They treat us in quite a different way. They do not punish us if we do not work. They never put any questions to us and never care to know whether we follow them or not. Usually, they talk above our heads. We like them because they are not meddlesome, and they like us because we never ask what they talk about. A few good boys take down notes. I am also one of them. I hope these notes will do me a lot of good.

In short, dear father, this is a jolly life. I will tell you more about it in my next letter. My love to my dear mamma.

Yours affectionately,

Obama Shakil.


  1. Thanks for posting such an outstanding letter

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