Zam Zam Well

Zam Zam Well

Zam Zam (Holly Well)
Zam Zam water is the best water in the world which is equally useful in hunger and thirst and is always considered sacred. Muslims around the world have a deep love and devotion to Zamzam water. The water of Zamzam is not just water like ordinary water, it is the water of healing, especially given by Allah Almighty, which is, in fact, a great blessing and mercy of Allah Almighty on the Muslims. It may be that Lord Fakhrul Rasool, the Holy Prophet, drank with great enthusiasm and encouraged the Muslims to drink Zamzam water. In Zamzam water, Allah Almighty has given healing to get rid of spiritual and physical ailments and drinking it is both a reward and a Sunnah. For this reason, pilgrims take water from Zamzam to their homes every year on the occasion of Hajj. They give this blessed water to anyone who comes to visit. Zamzam water has a special effect inside. If it is mixed with ordinary water, the effects of Zamzam water prevail and ordinary water does not remain ordinary but becomes special. Now there is no more pure, clean, transparent and healthy water in the world than Zamzam. In modern times, research has shown that drinking Zamzam water can cure cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, acidity, indigestion and many other diseases. Muslims who go for Hajj and Umrah on their return bring this invaluable gift of the Holy Hijaz for their loved ones and relatives and millions of other Muslims directly or indirectly benefit from the water of Zamzam. Thousands of years ago today, Abraham (peace be upon him) was a specially chosen prophet of God. Many trials came upon them from Allah Almighty. These include the test of fire, the test of sacrifice in the children of Hazrat Ismail (as) and the test of leaving his wife and children helpless in the forest. The trials that befell Hazrat Ibrahim (as) are not the work of an ordinary person but Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) who was the first and foremost prophet of Allah Almighty, who succeeded in every test one hundred per cent, due to which he Salam Khalil Allah, meaning the friend of Allah Almighty.

Even today, let there be faith
Fire can create a flowering pattern

Ibrahim Khalilullah was commanded by Allah Almighty to leave his wife and children in the desert. He took his wife and innocent child with him for the sake of Allah Almighty and set off on foot, walking to a deserted, desolate place.

He left his wife and child alone with the help of Allah Almighty and went back. Every action of the Prophets (PBUH) is in accordance with the pleasure of Allah Almighty and His knowledge. So, when the wife of Abraham (peace be upon him) asked why they were leaving us here alone, she pointed to the sky with her finger saying that it is the command of Allah Almighty. Abraham was convinced that the Lord of the universe would protect his wife and children in this wilderness and find a way out. Hazrat Hajra, the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH) sat down with her innocent little son Hazrat Ismail (PBUH). When the sun rose and the heat increased, the thirst began to persist. The water was not even named Wanshan. Ishmael (peace be upon him) began to feel very thirsty but there was no population or spring in the distance. Seeing the thirsty child, the mother became anxious and became restless and restless and started asking for prayers. When the condition of the child became more critical, Hagar got up anxiously, laid the child on the ground and climbed a hill. The name of this hill was Marwa. If water was not found there, the other helpless hill named Safa would be on it. But at the same time, there was a fear that some beast, wild animal, etc. would come and harm the child. For this reason, she would run to the child, then go to the mountain in search of water. Finally, when the six cycles were completed, the mercy of Allah Almighty came to her and Hazrat Hajra returned after completing the seventh cycle. He saw the child boiling water from the place where he was rubbing his heels in the intensity of thirst. Hazrat Hajra thanked Allah Almighty and started building temples around the spring to stop the flow of water. The water was constantly boiling. Hazrat Hajra said "Zam Zam" meaning stop, then the water stopped.
Hagar watered the child and drank to her heart's content. Zam Zam means stop. When Hazrat Hajra said "Zam Zam", the water stopped automatically.

Hazrat Hajra took up residence near this spring. In those days, people lived where water was available. So, when a caravan passed by and they saw water there, they took water from Hazrat Hagar and drank water themselves and also gave water to their animals. After that, he pitched a tent there and took up residence there. The caravans which passed by this place also took shelter by pitching tents there and building houses out of mud and stones. Thus, in a short time, a city was settled in this desert place which is known all over the world as Makkah. Allah Almighty liked this deed of His beloved servant Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH) and dear servant Hazrat Hagar so much that He extended the blessings of Zamzam till the Day of Resurrection done.

Today, the Hajj is not complete until the pilgrims make seven rounds on Safa and Marwah. The water of Zamzam reaches every Muslim in the world in one way or another, even if he cannot go on Hajj or Umrah himself.

Nowadays there are powerful motors to pump out the water, which can extract a lot of water in a few moments, but there is a chance that even a small drop may have occurred. When water runs out or the spring dries up, it is a matter of time before the water recedes. Under the arrangements made over the years, there is no difficulty in obtaining Zamzam water. According to the need for cold water inside the Masjid-ul-Haram, the provision of Zamzam water is very reasonable. In addition, plastic coolers also contain freshwater.

Ab-e-Zam-e-Zam originated in the Abrahamic era, and according to a conservative estimate, about 4558 years have passed since our present epoch, 1435 AH, i.e., Ab-e-Zam-e-Zam came into existence four thousand five hundred and fifty-eight years before today. The age of Zamzam water undoubtedly spans centuries.

 In different periods, water wells were being constructed and reforms were being carried out. As the number of pilgrims increased due to the ease of transportation, several appropriate steps were taken to facilitate the acquisition of Zamzam water. Powerful motors were installed. In addition, plastic coolers have been placed in all the passages to deliver water to every special public, in which cold water is available at all times. There are many traditions and hadiths about the virtue and blessings of Aab Zam Zam. In fact, water is a cure for many diseases and a source of food and thirst for the body.

It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas that he said that Zam Zam is one of the canals of Paradise.
Ibn 'Abbas narrates that he said that the best water on the surface of the earth is Zamzam, which is water, food and medicine for disease.
 Read these prayers while drinking water.
Translation: "O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance and healing from all diseases."  (Amen)


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