What is Regionalism?


What is Regionalism?

What is Regionalism? In Robert’s Frost Poems

Regional art is a that plays on or gives prominence to the peculiarities of a particular region an art that inhabits a particular locale and seldom reaches the heights of universality. An artist of this genre illustrates and uses the physical features, peoples. life, customs. habits. manner. traditions. dialect, etc. of a particular region: In a lesser artist. cinematographer reproduction. But as in all art, in regional art too. a real artist constantly combs and orders his material.

An artist does not claim to represent life in all its vividness and subtle shades and hues. Art is at the most a slice of life. In art, there is the essence of life. The regional artist. too, emphasizes only the unique, interesting and significant features of a particular region. But paradoxically enough, this point of divergence links it up with the rest of the world. In light of differences, similarities also come into prominence. The particular region becomes a microcosm of the world, it is particular that leads one to the universal. Frost is a regionalist not in a narrow derogatory sense, but in a creative sense.

Frost's regionalism is a creative imparting finesse to his work.

The particular region that Frost has chosen to describe. represent and interpret is New England and he does this accurately and precisely in poem after poem. But he does not interpret the whole of New England. He deals only with that part of Boston with which he is particularly familiar.


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