The Economic Situation

The  Economic Situation

The Current Economic Situation
1. The Introduction-What has always been wrong about our economic situation.
2. Causes of the economic breakdown in the present times.
3. The best cures for the diseased economic system.
4. The conclusion-No efforts should be spared to stop the people from getting used to economic inaction.

The economy of our  country has been sick along with that of several other South Asian countries that rightly form the club of "sick men of Asia" as once Turkey was "the sick man of Europe." The sickness of these countries is not innate (possessed from birth) or intrinsic (coming from within), but transfused (transferred or instilled into) from the ugly, deformed and diseased bodies of their filthy (dirty and nasty) politicians. landowners, mill-owners, capitalists and criminals who have indulged in corruption of various kinds. The blood of the country has been sucked shamelessly by these corrupt people. for example, when they smuggled, hoarded (stocked or stored for profit), black- marketed goods and stole the goods and food grains produced in the country, did not pay the taxes, took loans not to return, made use of state facilities illegally like driving government vehicles privately and using state funds for the personal benefit took commissions or kickbacks (payments from sales) on state purchases or imported or smuggled foreign goods in order to earn profits at the cost of the national industry. and so on.
The first main cause of the current economic breakdown is, of course, the social and economic system. When most of the population is illiterate, ignorant and extremely poor, even after more than half a century of independence, how can the country progress and be prosperous? The feudal lords, industrialists or capitalists, and bureaucrats (cruel officials of the government) and politicians together have kept the masses backwards and poor. So, they cannot work on advanced machines and engage in the production of sophisticated (highly developed and complex) electronic, engineering and other machines for use within the country and for export. They cannot industrialize their farming nor can improve the quality and quantity of their crops according to the advanced methods.


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