A letter to your father reporting on your progress and problems in studies.


A letter to your father reporting on your progress and problems in studies.

A letter to your father reporting on your progress and problems in studies.

Examination Hall,
(City) A.B.C.
May 10, 2019

Dear Father,

I must say “Sorry!” before 1 go ahead because I could not write you any letter since long. You kept me writing letters on letters. Yet I kept mum. But it was all due to studies. I wanted to write a cheerful letter. The big news today is that dear father, this time I have stood first in the Send-ups. I planned my days per your advice. Today, I can imagine your smiling face. I can even feel your pat on my back.

I believe you and Mom pray for me day and night. And I need your prayers more than anything. This result has taught me that the more the input, the more the output. I want to study some more books to increase my knowledge Kindly send me one thousand more than my monthly allowance. l assure you of a still better result in the Pre-board. Kindly extend my regard my regards to Mom and love to the juniors. Waiting for your warm reply.

Yours affectionately,


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