Hitch-Hiking Across The Sahara (Past Papers Synonyms) All Boards 2011 - 2018 ( Group I- II)


Hitch-Hiking Across The Sahara

Lesson 2

Hitch-Hiking Across The Sahara

Past Papers Synonyms

All Boards 2011 - 2018 ( Group I- II)

1. It was a fascinating little town, a true oasis.
A. Expensive
B. Daring
C. Charming
D. Distant
2. The result was disastrous.
A. Safe
B. Good
C. Destructive
D. Pleasant
3. The conditions in Sahara agonizing.
A. Charming
B. Attractive
C. Pleasant
D. Unpleasant
4. Christopher felt that he was going to collapse.
A. Faint
B. Sleep
C. Enjoy
D. Arrest
5. This was a gigantic task.
A. Big
B. Small
C. Soft
D. Dark
6. I had to be vigilant until each mouthful was safely behind my teeth.
A. Versatile
B. Serious
C. Fast
D. Careful
7. The core of the three English men was stuck in a sand dune.
A. Mound of rock
B. Mound of mars
C. Mound of saint
D. Mound of bricks
8. It was a formidable type of transport.
A. Fine
B. Hard
C. Terrifying
D. Easy
9. The camel made for the nearest depression.
A. Pool
B. Well
C. Hollow
D. Stream
10. They slaughtered a camel for water.
A. Flew
B. Freed
C. Killed
D. Ran
11. It was unbearably stifling in the driver's cabin.
A. Smelling
B. Suffocating
C. Chilly
D. Misty
12. I got only a vague idea of what they looked like.
A. Clear
B. Unclear
C. Powerful
D. Fancy
13. They fell from the incline.
A. Dune
B. Hump
C. Mound
D. Slope
14. The heat was incredible.
A. Bearable
B. Unbelievable
C. Increasing
D. Decreasing
15. The sand is constantly encroaching on the town.
A. Intruding
B. Attacking
C. Moving
D. Advancing
16. The whole pageant of the past swung before him.
A. Meeting
B. Show
C. Talk
D. Pleasant
17. The influence of the moon caused lunacy.
A. Love
B. Hatred
C. Madness
D. Sleeplessness
18. The driver picked his way with uncanny skill.
A. Accurate
B. Odd
C. Perfect
D. Unpleasant
19. The rescue party came to save his life.
A. Marriage
B. Saving
C. Trouble
D. Wedding
20. That time the driver and the greaser seemed reluctant to take him.
A. Willing
B. Approving
C. Unwilling
D. Inpatient
21. The full Sahara area stretches almost we complete width of North Africa.
A. Depicts
B. Discovers
C. Spreads
D. Crosses
22. All the camels instinctively turned off their course.
A. Willingly
B. Unwillingly
C. Forcefully
D. Naturally
23. At a later he got his first glimpse of Timbuktu.
A. Idea
B. Notion
C. Sight
D. Route
24. They went to a well to replenish their water bags.
A. Empty
B. Wash
C. Refill
D. Draw
25. They reached El-Golia without further mishap.
A. Delay
B. Accident
C. Hope
D. Comfort
26. There is little vegetation in Sahara.
A. Trees
B. Fruit
C. Greenery
D. Leave
27. Death reluctantly departed.
A. Gathered
B. Depressed
C. Separated
D. Cut
28. The Tuaregs led primitive life.
A. Updated
B. Outdated
C. Modern
D. Contemporary
29. The most difficult and dangerous stage of the journey now had to be endured.
A. Cleared
B. Declared
C. Born
D. Borne
30. With a scream of pain, he hopped back into the truck.
A. Jumped
B. Fell
C. Washed
D. Helped
31. The future looked grim.
A. Vivid
B. Obvious
C. Dismal
D. Abhorable
32. It is extremely difficult to hitch-hike across the Sahara.
A. Explore the land
B. Run across
C. Ride the camel
D. Take a lift
33. In-Salah was fighting for survival.
A. Service
B. Beauty
C. Existence
D. Attraction


1. Charming
2. Destructive
3. Unpleasant
4. Faint
5. Big
6. Fast
7. Mound of sand
8. Terrifying
9. Hollow
10. Killed
11. Suffocating
12. Unclear
13. Slope
14. Unbelievable
15. Intruding
16. Show
17. Madness
18. Odd
19. Saving
20. Unwilling
21. Spreads
22. Naturally
23. Sight
24. Refill
25. Accident
26. Greenery
27. Depressed
28. Outdated
29. Borne
30. Jumped
31. Dismal
32. Take a lift
33. Existence


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