Sargodha Board Paper 2014 Group - I & II

Sargodha Board Paper 2014 Group - I
  • Write short answer to any six questions from Book - II
Q.1 How did life come into being on earth?
Answer: According to the writer that life began in the form of a living organism. Then it changed into a human being. In this way life begin on earth.
Q.2 Discuss how science has made man open minded?
Answer: The new discoveries have helped people to develop an attitude of open mindedness.
Q.3 How can the failure of talented students be prevented?
Answer: No one can do this but the boy himself. Others can only point out the problem. The student himself should realise his fault.
Q.4 What were the things David Daiches longed for but could not have?
Answer: He longed for a tricycle and later for a bicycle. He wished for sweets and ice cream but he could not have these things.
Q.5 What did the writer finally decide to do with the books?
Answer: Finally, he decided to throw them into the river.
Q.6 Why did the writer Jerome. K. Jerome go to the Museum?
Answer: The writer went to the British Museum to study the cure of hay fever.
Q.7 What did the clerk ask in surprise when Leacock gave him the cheque?
Answer: The clerk saw the cheque and asked in surprise if he wanted to draw all of his money.
Q.8 How has the population of the cities been controlled in China?
Answer: There is no migration of people from the countryside to cities. The government also manage to reduce the population of cities.
Q.9 Who was the successor of Abdul Rahman III?
Answer: Al - Hakem was the successor of Abdul - Rahman - III
  • Write short answer to any six questions from Book - II
Q.1 How did Churchill estimate his English teacher to Harrow?
Answer :  His English teacher taught English by means of black, blue and green ink. He taught them English very well. Churchill remembered him with great regard.
Q.2 What kind of school was Harrow?
Answer : It is situated in the town of Harrow, in London. It was established in 1572. Former Prime Minister, Churchill got his education this school.
Q.3 Describe Christopher’s journey from El - Golea to In - Salah?
Answer : From El - Golea to In - Salah, he  travelled in another truck carrying ammunition. He suffered a heat stroke and became unconscious.
Q.4 What is called Antiseptic?
Answer : It is the substance that kills germs. The use of this substance to kill germs is called an antiseptic method.
Q.5 Why Fleming's family was called medical family?
Answer : Fleming belonged to a medical family. One of his three brothers was oculist .Two others were opticians. One of his sisters married to a doctor. Therefore, his family was called to be a medical family.
Q.6 Why could Louis Pasteur not join the National Guard?
Answer : He refused to join the National Guard because he was a half paralysed man.
Q.7 Who was Mustafa Kamal?
Answer : He is the saviour of turkey. He worked for the uplift of his nation. He introduced great reforms in his country.
Q.8 What was fez?
Answer : It was a national head dress of turkey. Mustafa kamal replaced it with hat.
  • Write short answer to any eight questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr. Chips.
Q.1 Write a note on Mr. Wetherby.
Answer : He was very fatherly and kind. He had vivid eyes. He gave a good piece of advice to Chips. He died in 1870.
Q.2 What was Chips’ ambition when he was in his twenties?
Answer : He was not an ambitious man in his early twenties. He wanted to get a headship but failed.
Q.3 What kind of books did Chips read?
Answer : He mostly read the detective novels.
Q.4 How much popular was Katherine in Brookfield?
Answer : Katherine was very popular in Brookfield. The wives of the masters did not like her in the beginning. But later they began to like her.
Q.5 What memories of Katherine hunted Chips?
Answer : Sometime he saw her rushing along the corridors. Sometimes, he saw laughing at some mistakes.
Q.6 Write a note on Mr. Meldrum?
Answer : He was the headmaster of Brookfield. He had been kind to Chips. He died in 1900.
Q.7 What did Chips say about the captain of the school team?
Answer : He said that the captain had exaggerated his services. He belonged to an exaggerating family.
Q.8 What were Chips’ activities after retirement?
Answer : He spent most of his time in reading ,talking, drinking tea, watching matches and writing articles.
Q.9 Who was Max Staefel?
Answer : He was a German. He was a teacher at Brookfield. He was very popular in Brookfield.
Q.10 Why was the ground floor safe during the war?
Answer : Because the ground floor was solidly built . It was safe place.
Q.11 What do you know about the general strike?
Answer: During 1926, there was a general strike. Brookfield boys loaded motor van with food stuffs.
Q.12 What did Dr. Marivel ask Mr. Chips to do?
Answer: When the cold wind blew, he asked Mr. Chips to remain inside.

Sargodha Board Paper 2014  Group - II 
  • Write short answer to any Six questions Book - II
Q.1 How much hot are stars?
Answer : Stars are the big burning ball of fire. Life cannot exist there.
Q.2 What part did astrology play in life in past?
Answer : People believed in the signs of good and bad. They believed that diseases were caused by evil spirits.
Q.3 What place would you accord to sportsmen in colleges?
Answer : If a student is too much interested in games, he should be asked to become a professional player.
Q.4 What was David Daiches general view of school life?
Answer : He was not an idle student. He enjoyed his class room work. But he did not like the boring routine of school life.
Q.5 Why is it difficult to destroy books?
Answer : It is difficult to destroy books because we don't have proper place to do this. It is hard to burn them or throw them into the river.
Q.6 What was the prescription given to the writer by the doctor?
Answer: The prescription was:
‘’1 pound beef steak,
10 mile walk every morning,
Bed at 11 sharp every night.
And don't stuff your head with things
You don't understand.’’
Q.7 Where did the manager take the writer alone?
Answer : He took the writer to a private room and locked the door.
Q.8 How does China rely on its own resources?
Answer : The Chinese rely on their resources. They use the locally made machines. 
Q.9 Describe some great famine of the past?
Answer : Several great famines came into Egypt, Europe, China , Russia and India. Millions of people died in these famines of the past.
  • Write short answer to any six questions from Book - II
Q.1 How was Churchill's knowledge of English helpful for him?
Answer : The knowledge of English helped him in practical life. He faced no difficulty in the daily affairs of life.
Q.2 What was the method of teaching of Mr. Somerville?
Answer : He taught English by means of black, rent,blue and green inks. It took a long sentence and broke into components.
Q.3 What had Christopher’s Foster Mother to do with his desire to see distant places?
Answer : His foster mother used to threaten him you send him Timbuktu. The threat aroused in him a keen desire to visit this city.
Q.4 Write a note on Penicillin as a wonder drug?
Answer : Penicillin proved to be a wonder drug. It saved countless lives. It proved to be the weapon against disease.
Q.5 What is the main defect of the Antiseptic Method?
Answer : The main defect of antiseptic method was that it destroyed the white cells of the body.
Q.6 Why did Pasteur return the degree of doctor of medicine to the University of Bonn?
Answer : When Germany and France plunged into war. He was  true lover of France, returned his degree with the words that his name should be remove from the university.
Q.7 Describe briefly the event of war between the Greeks and the Turkish patriots.
Answer : The Greeks fought with Turks for fourteen days.
Q.8 Which two major reforms for women did Mustafa Kamal introduce to bring them up to the level of men folk?
Answer : The two major reforms were the abolish of veil, come out of their houses and get education equal to men.
  • Write short answer to any eight questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr. Chips.
Q.1 How did Chips handle his first class at Brookfield?
Answer : The big hall was full of five hundred naughty boys.  Chips assumed to be angry.
Q.2 With what did Chips serve the boys?
Answer : He served the boys with walnut cake, tea and crumpets.
Q.3 What happened to Chips when he hastened to the girl at Great Gables?
Answer : He slipped and wrenched his ankle.
Q.4 How did Katherine look?
Answer : She had blue flashing eyes, freckled cheeks and smooth straw - coloured hair.
Q.5 What changes did marriage bring in Chips?
Answer : After marriage, he became kind. His eyes gained sparkle. His humour became mature. His discipline improved.
Q.6 Why did Chips take class on the day his wife died?
Answer : Chips took his class as usual. He did not want to get any condolences.
Q.7 What were the qualities of Mr. Ralston?
Answer : He was a young man of 37. He was a ruthless, ambitious and energetic man. He raised the status of Brookfield.
Q.8 Who was  successor of Ralston and what kind of man was he?
Answer : Chatteris was the successor of Ralston. He was a young man of 34. He was modern, friendly and kind fellow.
Q.9 What was the status of Chips in Brookfield?
Answer : He was the doyen of the staff. He was the court of appeal in all matters.
Q.10 Why did Linford come to see Chips?
Answer : He told that Chips wanted to see him. Therefore, he came to see Chips.
Q.11 Why did Chips not like Bernard Shaw and Ibsen?
Answer : Chips did not like Bernard Shaw for his strange and shocking ideas. He did not like Ibsen for his disturbing plays.
Q.12 What did Chips say about his children?
Answer : He said that he had thousands of children. All the boys were his children.
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