One Good Turn Deserves Another OR The Lion And The Mouse OR Kindness Never Goes Unrewarded

One Good Turn Deserves Another OR The Lion And The Mouse OR Kindness Never Goes Unrewarded

One Good Turn Deserves Another


The Lion And The Mouse


Kindness Never Goes Unrewarded

Once, a big and powerful lion was taking a rest under a tree. A small mouse lived in a hole near the tree. The mouse came out of its hole and passed over the body of the lion again and again. The lion was disturbed in his sleep. The lion was annoyed at the mischief of the mouse. He caught the mouse in his paw and wanted to kill it. The mouse looked terrified. He asked the lion to forgive. He promised to help it someday. The Lion laughed at his promise and let it go. After some time, the lion was caught in a net. He tried his best to set himself free but failed. He roared with a loud noise. Furthermore, he was quite helpless. He looked miserable. The mouse heard the noise and came out of its hole. It began to gnaw the strings of the net with its sharp teeth. It had cut all the strings of the net before the hunter came. The lion was released. The Lion realized the importance of the small mouse. He thanked the mouse for its act of kindness and went away.

Moral :

1. Kindness never goes unrewarded.
2. One good turn deserves another.
3. Do good and have good.
4. Virtue is its own reward.
5. Do unto others as you would be done by.
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