The Article (Use of An)

An is used: -
a) Before a vowel; as,
 an enemy, an inkpot, an umbrella, an owl, an orange.
b) Before a word beginning with a Silent h;
 an heir, an honorable man, an honest person.
c) Before a consonant which sounds like a vowel;as,
An M.A. of the Punjab University.
An M.B., B.S., etc.
Caution: -  Remember A and An are used before singular nouns only. as a rule, a common noun in the singular number requires a, an, the; for instance, a student loves a quiet hour; students love quiet hours. Proper and Material nouns seldom take a or an; for example, Gold is a precious metal; cotton is our cash crop; Napoleon was a great general; but it is also correct to say, ‘Only a Napoleon could have saved the situation, but the country had no such man of genius.’


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