My Last Day At College

My Last Day At College

The 31st of March was my last day in the college . After one month, the examination would start . I was feeling mixed pleasure - happy and sad at the same time . Only one side I felt relieved at the end of the academic year . I worked hard to achieve my goal during the last two years . I had got 470 marks in the first part and was sure of getting good marks in the second part . I wanted to become a doctor in future . The very feeling that I was now nearer to my goal made me happy . In this way, it was very important day for me .

On the other side, it was the moment of parting . The present days of the past came to my mind and made me sad . I recalled my first day in the college . It was the day of joking and fooling by the senior students . After one year, I was myself a senior boy and played many jokes on first year students . The sweet memories of the two years were fresh in my mind . There was a smile on my lips and tears in my eyes .

In our college, there is a tradition that the junior students give a farewell party to the senior outgoing students . The last day in the college is made a memorable occasion for them the college was decorated with buntings and flags . First of all, we assembled in the lawn of college for a group photograph . Then, we went to the college hall for further activities .

The principal of our college presided over the function . The representation of the first year class made a farewell speech . He paid thanks to the second year students for their co-operation and guidance . He pledged to follow the foot-prints of the seniors . I, on behalf of my class fellows, made a speech . I paid thanks to the teachers for their self less efforts to enlighten the minds of the students . I also appreciated the first year students for arranging such a splendid function in the honour of the outgoing senior students . I made a promise that the second year students would work hard to brighten the name of the college .

Then, the worthy principal made an elegant speech . He advised us to perform our duties honestly as a student and as a citizen of the civil society . In the end, our principal gave us his blessings and wished us success in our future career . It was an inspiring and memorable speech . All the students clapperd when he finished his speech .

The formal speeches were followed by a variety show . It was organised for the entertainment of the students and guests . The students sang song, recited poems and couplets befitting the occasion . They also performed a few fun fair items . At the end of the show, we were served with tea, biscuits, cakes and fruit . The farewell party was a great success in every respect .

It was the end of a splendid span of two years at my college . I had spent a lot of happy time there . I took part in debates and sports activities and won many prizes. Some of my teachers greatly influenced me and enlightened my outlook . I also made a few new friends whose nice company was unforgettable for me . When I was leaving my college there were tears in my eyes.


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