Manner of Poem

While discussing the manner of the poem we will include, its tone and nature of irony.

1. Tone:
Like tone of voice, tone in literature often conveys and attitude toward the person addressed. Like the manner of a person, the manner of a poem maybe friendly or belligerent towards its reader, condescending or respectful. Again like tone of voice, the tone of a person may tell us how the speaker feels about himself or herself: cocksure are humble sad are glad. But usually when we ask,"what is the tone of poem?" We mean,"what attitude does the poet take toward a theme or a subject"? Is the poet being affectionate, hostile, Ernest, playful, sarcastic, or what? We may never be able to know, of course, the poet's personal feelings all we need now is how to feel when we read the poem. The tone can range from being playful, Jubilant, serious, ironic, outraged,baffle,tender,serene, emotional, depressed, somber and neutral as well.

2. Irony:
Irony a manner of speaking that implies a discrepancy. If the mask says one thing and we sense that the writer is in fact saying something else, he has adopted and ironic point of view.


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