An Ideal Student

A student is future of a nation. He is just like the blood of a body. His passion, energy and talent keep the nation alive. No doubt, the student of today is the leader of tomorrow.

A student who gets high marks, is not necessarily an ideal student. He may score highly but fail in real life. An ideal student is a person who bears certain qualities of characters. He is very clear about his objectives. He is brilliant, hard - working and obedient. He is always helpful and optimistic.

An ideal student is very clear about his aim of life. He also knows how to materialise it. An ambition is a guiding star in student's life. It inspires him to achieve noble ideals in life. It stimulates his energy, courage and enthusiasm. The student who has no definite aim in his life, cannot be called an ideal student.

An ideal student is not only brilliant but also hard - working. He puts his heart and soul in his work. He devoted himself to the pursuit of knowledge. He knows that excellent performance demands hard work and full devotion. He does not believe in short cuts and reads his books thoroughly. His aim is not just to pass the examination but to seek knowledge. He pays full attention to his studies and does not waste his time in trivial and useless activities. He burns the midnight to achieve his goal.

Though an ideal student is diligent and punctual yet he is not a book - worm. He actively takes part in sports and co - curricular activities. He knows that a healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. He neglects neither his studies nor his body. He pays special attention to the proper development of his personality. He is sociable friendly and co - operative with his fellows and teachers. He takes pleasure in healthful activities.

An ideal student is always good looking, well dressed and courteous. He believes in simple living and noble thinking. He keeps himself away from cheap and dirty things. He is respectful and obedient to his teachers and parents. He is a man of duties and responsibilities. His patriotism is above board. He proves very useful for the society.

An ideal student develops balance in his action and logic. He plans his life wisely and availed himself of the opportunities of the modern age . He draws inspiration from the great personalities of the past and develops his all - round personalities.


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