Unit # 9 Selecting The Right Career (Questions & Answer)


Unit # 9
Selecting The Right Career

Questions & Answer
1.   What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?
The famous careers in the past were to be a doctor, a pilot or an engineer .
Becoming a doctor, a pilot or an engineer were famous careers for the young people in the past .
2.   Now a days non traditional Carriers are more appealing to young minds . Why?
Nowadays, non traditional Carriers are appealing to our youth because life has become dynamic and innovative .
Non traditional careers are mORe rewarding and so they are more appealing to young minds .
What is meant by the right profession?
The right profession is the one that suits your attitude and gives you money, honour and peace of mind .
A profession that is highly rewarding in term of both respect and money and that gives mental peace and satisfaction is called the right profession .
3.   Why is it impORtant to consider the scope of any field?
To consider the scope of a field is very important because it helps you to choose a right profession .
To adopt a field as a rewarding profession it is important to consider right profession of the scope of that field .
4.   Is there any need of proper career counselling department? Why?
Yes, career counselling department should be established even at school level . It would help the students to choose right profession according to their attitude.
A proper career counselling department is in need of every educational institution . It can play a vital role in career building .
5.   How can career counsellORs help the young people?
Career counsellors help the young people by suggesting them the right professions .
Career counsellors can determine the personalities of young people and after observing and analysing their interests can suggest suitable career according to their attitude .
6.   Which carrier do you want to opt for? Give reason .
I want to be a teacher because it suits my aptitude . I want to produce doctors, engineers, Pilots, scientists, technicians and other experts in various fields of life .
I would like to become a teacher because teaching is the best profession to serve the people .
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