Unit # 8 Peace (Questions and Answer)


Unit # 8
Questions & Answer
1.   How is wind described in the first stanza ? The poem peace .
In the first stanza wind has been described as a demon destroying everything all around .
In the first stanza, wind is described in the form of storm that smashes everything .
2.   With what wind is compared in the first stanza ?
In the first stanza wind is compared to a demon . It denotes wind storm .
In the first stanza comma wind is compared with a monster of destruction that destroys everything .
3.   What is wind doing to all mans work?
The wind is destroying man's wonderful works . it is levelling houses, buildings, etc .
Wind is racking all mens work .
4.   How does the scene look like when wind is still?
When wind is still it looks like eternal peace . The sky looks bright and blue . Gentle breeze whispers in the distance .
When wind is still gentle and cool birds,buds and humans look refreshed and pleased .
5.   What comparison is made in the Second stanza ?
In the second stanza wind is compared to a light breeze that blows gently . it whispers in low tone like lovers .
In the second stanza the real truth of wind is compared with bright blue skies and all we hear .
6.   With what the wind is compared?
The wind has been called a monster that destroys everything around .
7.   Explain its Centre is, in truth, eternal stillness .
The phrase its Centre is, in truth, eternal stillness means that piece is, in fact, its reality .
It means truth is found in its centre . Appearances are deceptive . Truth lies far away these material things .


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