10th class Unit # 3 Try Again (Questions and Answers)


Try Again

Unit # 3

Try Again

Questions and Answers:

1. What does the word persevere mean?

 ‘To persevere’ means ‘to continue trying to do something in spite of difficulties.


 The word ‘persevere’ means ‘to persist steadily in an action or belief’.

2. Why is the poet repeating the sentence try again?

 To highlight the importance of constant working, the poet repeats the phrase try again.


 He is repeating this sentence to give emphasise the importance of trying again and again.

3. What can we learn from failure?

Failure teaches us the lesson of courage. It urges us to take more daring and steady steps to reach our goals.


We can come to know about our weaknesses from failure. After getting rid of these weaknesses, we can become successful.

4. How is a failure, not a disgrace?

 To leave working after failure is surely a disgrace. But if failure urges us to take more daring and steady steps it is no disgrace then.


Failure demands us to keep on trying in a better way. If we take it positively, it is not a disgrace.

5. How many times should we try and why?

 There is no limit to trying again. We should keep on trying till we succeed. After getting success, we should try for another good cause. There is no end to glory and therefore, there is no end to keep on trying for good causes.


 We should keep on trying until we succeed. If we believe in trying after failure it would be disgraceful full. That is why we should keep on trying.

6. What should we do if we find our task hard?

 If we find our task hard we should keep on trying again and again for our success.


 If we find our task hard, we should not be discouraged. We must see that if other people can do it, we can do it also. Then we would do it successfully.

7. Give an example of a struggle in your life?

 In my childhood, firstly, I could not learn how to drive a bicycle. I failed many times. I kept on trying and at last learnt it.


 Ali is my friend. We wrote a novel which proved to be a total failure stock but he kept on trying. Finally, he has written up a best-selling novel.


  1. Thanks for upload these questions .These questions help the students

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