The subject I like the most at school (Standard)

The subject I like the most at school (Standard)
 My favourite subject at school is computer. Computer can read information and store this information for later use. Mother board, processor, Ram, monitor, keyboard, mouse, CD ROM, and floppy drive are the main components of a computer. Life has become speedy and quick in this modern age. Thus, the importance of Computer has been recognized in all fields of life. In industry it keeps the record of goods, cost and output. It also provides a great deal of help in engineering. In medicine, it assists to perform various tests. It is the best typewriter, with beautiful fonts. It also provides recreation of all sorts. It plays with us, amuses us with music and fun. In the field of education, it has performed wonders. It can collect information for us from the most remote parts of the world. It is through computer that this world has become a global village.


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