Novel - Goodby Mr.Chips Chapter # 10 (Answer)

N O V E L - G O O D B Y M R . C H I P S

C H P T E R N O # 10

1.   Who succeeded Weatherby as a Headmaster?
Ans: Meldrum had succeeded Weatherby as Headmaster.
2.   Who was Meldrum and when did he die?
Ans: Meldrum was a headmaster. In 1900, he died suddenly from pneumonia.
3.   Who became an Acting Head of Brookfield when Meldrum died? OR When did Chips become the Acting Head of Brookfield for the first time?
Ans: Mr. Chips became the acting head of Brookfield after the death of Meldrum in 1900.
4.   From which disease did Meldrum die?
Ans: He died suddenly from pneumonia in 1900.
5.   Who was made head of Brookfield after the death of Meldrum?
Ans: Mr. Ralston was made the head of Brookfield after the death of Meldrum.
6.   How did Ralston look?
Ans: He was a young man of 37. He was glittering with medals, He had a personality that could reduce the big hall to silence by the mere lifting of an eyebrow.
7.   What do you know about Ralston discipline?
Ans: He was very strict about discipline. He could reduce the big hall to silence by the mere lifting of an eyebrow.
8.   Why was Ralston unpopular?
Ans: Ralston was a cruel fellow. He was very strict about discipline. He treated teachers like slave. Therefore, he was unpopular at Brookfield.
9.   What duty was assigned to the boys of Brookfield, when the railway man works on strike?
Ans: The railway men were on strike. The soldiers were driving the engines. The boys of Brookfield were asked to guard the railway line.
10.               Who was Mr. Jones and what was his duty?
Ans: Mr. Jones was a striker. He was a servant in the railway department. He had the charge of the signal box.


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