Our Cultural Festivals


Our Cultural Festivals
Many festivals are observed in our country. They are a part of our culture and civilization. Basant is one of such festivals. It is celebrated in the outset of spring. It is a day popular with the young generation. Feverish and hectic sort of preparations are made to celebrate the day. Though the festival is observed throughout the Punjab, Lahore is the most celebrated name in this concern. The festival is basically the competition of kite flying. Many rival groups are engaged in the competition. All endeavour to cut the thread of others’ kites. If they succeed they shout the slogans ‘Boo Kata’. The people usually wear yellow clothes on this day. The festival is popular with men, women, boys, girls and even the old folk . The nights of the festival are particularly well - lit . At night, the roofs of the houses are decorated with lights of various colours . The kites are flying in the powerful flashlights. The drum - beating, whistling, singing and shouting slogans enliven the whole atmosphere. People celebrate the event the whole night . There is a lot of fun and joy for everyone . The festival was celebrated peacefully till the recent years . But these days some naughty fellows have spoiled the fun of all. They have begun to use either the brass wire or the special coated sharp thread . This has resulted in casualties of innocent people . Many innocent lives have been slaughtered at the altar of Basant . Moreover, the use of metal wire has resulted into electricity breakdown . Sometime, very valuable machinery of WAPDA is damaged. Thus it causes national laws loss . Therefore, the government has banned this celebration . It is a good step . Recreation is good but when it becomes a cause of the loss of life and property, it should strictly be banned .



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