Letter to your friend condoling with him on the death of his mother.(Out Standing)


Letter to your friend condoling with him on the death of his mother

Write a letter to your friend condoling him on the death of his mother.

 Examination Hall,

 A. B.C. (City).

 June 5, 2017.

My dear Ali,

The moment your letter broke the news of your mother's death I went into shock because it was certainly a bolt from the blue for you.

Dear Friend,

 The death of our near and dear ones creates physical, mental and emotional upheaval in us. It is the time when our feelings fail us. Our emotions fail us. Our thinking fails us. It is a tragedy to see our friends and relatives lying on death-bed and breathing their last.

The tragic news of your mother's death was an unbearable shock for me. She was an affectionate, kind and loving lady, who had always been a soft corner for me and for everybody in the world. She was a well-meaning woman who knew the ethics of life. Throughout her life, she remained at peace with herself and with the world around her. The greatness of her character and the nobility of her nature is well-known to all those who came close to her. Religious-minded as she was, people had always great respect for her. With her death, an era came to an end. A tradition disappeared into the ashes of the Past.

 My dear Friend,

Death is inevitable and we all have to face it one day or the other. The ruthless and cruel hands of fate have snatched your dear mother from you. This is an irreparable loss for your family, but who can change the will of God. The death of your mother has certainly created a vacuum which will only be filled with the passage of time.

I pray to God that her soul may rest in peace. May her virtuous deeds serve as torchlight through the dark valley of life. I also pray to God to give you the courage to face this tragedy patiently.

Dear Friend,

Have patience and try to share the responsibilities of the family with your father. I will soon come to you to share your grief and to condole with you at this critical moment of your life. May we always cherish the great moral values upheld by your great mother.

Yours sincerely,




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