




Terrorism is defined as organized system of intimation or practice of using violence for getting political rights. But now – a – days, the meaning of this word has become wider and deeper. Now terrorist include those who indulge in Suicide bombing, arson, hijacking, kidnapping for ransom and violence attack. This has become a serious problem of today. One can recall the English Philosopher, Thomas Hobbes. Who in 1965 described the human life in following words:

“No arts, no letters, no fun and which is worst of all, continual fear and intense violence”

Terrorism has become a serious threat today. It has become a global problem. The whole world is facing the horrible consequences of terrorism. The courses of terrorism are varied and diverse. The international terrorism is in various forms in present era i.e bomb blast, mass murder, hijacking cross border terrorist activities and massacre on a massive scale are various forms. The main motive of international terrorism is to weaken a country socially, politically, economically and administratively. Though efforts are in progress to eliminate the terrorism, but it cannot be rooted out until international law of justice are devised. Whenever and wherever, there is brutality, wrongs, injustice and intolerance, terrorism cannot be eradicated.

“A one who commits injustice is made more wretched than he who suffers it”

But before, we tried to solve the problem. We should analyze the reasons, that cause terrorism. As far as in Pakistan, it has three main reasons terrorism activities of RAW, and another international organization, injustice, and sectarianism. Our chronic enemy India has always triggered to troubles for us support to Kashmiris in their struggle for independence, India often sends terrorist to our country to play a havoc. Hindu Fundamentalists wanted to make their rule. They wanted to become a absolute authority whole over Asia.

Man’s inhumanity to man Makes countless of thousands mourns!

Secondly, the denial of Justice from police and other concerned officers is cause of this problem. The innocent people are treated cruelly without grave offence on their part, so they become terrorist for their revenge. The main cause of terrorism is delay of Justices. As

“Delay of Justice is Injustice”

Economic factors also play a role in it. Unemployment and dearness make1our youth more frustrated. So, they fell prey to this evil. All of this can be prevented by doing a proper planning. Firstly, we should take solid steps to eliminate the illegal foreign entry. Secondly, Honest people should be appointed. There should not be any corrupt element in the government. Cruel people should be eliminated Competent people should be given posts. Thirdly, religious tolerance should be maintained.

“To take arms against the sea of troubles”

We should create a suitable and peaceful environment where everyone can get justice.



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