Idioms and Phrases ( Group - M )



1.   Make up کمی پوری کر نا

He is trying to make up for the loss in the business.

2.   Make fun ofمذاق اڑانا                           

Don’t make fun of others.

3.   Man of parts قا بل آدمی      

The successful leader is a man of parts.

4.   Maiden speech پہلی تقریر

We liked his maiden speech in the Assembly.

5.   Make both ends meet گزارہ کر نا

It is not an easy task to make both ends meet these days.

6.   Make headway ترقی کر نا

Pakistan is making headway in every field of life.

7.   Make after تعاقب کرنا

The dog made after the cat.

8.   Make amends تلا فی کر نا

I have come to you to make amends for my misconduct (برا سلوک)

9.   Might and main پوری قوت سے

The team fought with might and main in the match.  



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