Idioms and Phrases ( Group - L )



1.   Lame excuse جھوٹا بہا نا

Your illness is a lame excuse for leave.

2.   Lay by/aside بچا کر رکھنا

I am trying to lay by some money for rainy day.

3.   Lay aside/ put asideبچت کر نا         

He has laid some money aside for old age.

4.   Look after نگہداشت کرنا

A mother looks after her children.

5.   Leave no stone unturned پوری کوشش کرنا

I will leave no stone unturned to get the job.

6.   Look into تفتیش کرنا

The police will soon look into the crime.

7.   Look for تلاش کر نا

She is looking for her lost child.

8.   Lick the dust ذلت اٹھانا

The enemy had to lick the dust in the war.

9.   Lion`s share بڑا حصہ

He got the lion`s share from his father`s property.

He saved a lion`s share of his income.

10.Leave in lurch مشکل میں ساتھ چھوڑ جانا

All his friends left him in the lurch.

11.Look down upon /on حقارت سے دیکھنا

Do not look down upon the poor.

12.Let the cat out of the bag راز فاش کرنا

Hid this matter as they may let the cat out of the bag.

13.Lead by nose اپنی خواہش کے مطابق کرنے پر مجبور کر دینا

Do not lead a foolish man by the nose.

14.Leave no stone unturned پوری کوشش کرنا    

I will leave no stone unturned to get the job.

15.Look sharp جلدی کرنا

Look sharp, the train is coming.

16.Long and the short قصہ مختصر

The long and the short of it is that they are backward.

17.Laughing stock مذاق کا نشانہ        

He is the laughing stock of our office.

18.Let in اندر آنے دینا

Windows let in light and air.



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