The Theme / Central Idea (O Where Are You Going)

The Theme / Central Idea (O WHERE ARE YOU GOING)

A life of effort and struggle is the best. We should work hard and try to succeed. This poem is based on a dialogue between two imaginary persons named as Reader and Rider, Fearer and Farer and Hearer and Horror.
The reader tries to stop a rider from going on a dangerous journey. He tries to frighten him by telling him, that the way is full of trials and troubles. He says that there is a fatal valley, a dunghill, a big gap, and darkness. There is lack of things. He would have to walk on rough grass and stones. Then he reminds him of a ghost in the thick trees. He tells the rider that he would face diseases. But the rider says that troubles are for those who are afraid of them. The brave men face them and leave them behind for the coward.
The way to glory, success, prosperity and happiness is very vague and uncertain but it can be paved through with courage steadfastness.

..... E N D .....


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