Poem No: 17



 N. Scott Momaday


Q /1: What do you understand when the poet says,’ I am the shadow that follows a child`?

Ans: Children are innocent. Here poet means to say that he loves children so much that he remains with them as a shadow and enjoys their innocent voices and action.

Q /2: How can the crust (hard upper surface) of the snow glitter?

Ans: The crust of the mountain covered with snow glitters when the rays of the sun fall on it. It is a common sight in nature, on we enjoy it.

Q /3: What is the dream of the poet?

Ans: The whole poem is the poet`s dream. He wants to have good relation with everything which is beautiful and fruitful. He wants to be at harmony with everything of nature.

Q /4: What is the effect of man`s good relation with the earth and the lords?


         How does the poet express his feelings of happiness in the poem?

Ans: Man`s good relations with the earth and with the lords make him happy and active. His life becomes beautiful and fruitful.

Q /5: What are the things that keep a person alive?

Ans: Everything that is beautiful and fruitful keeps man alive.

Q /6: Pessimist and optimist are two words which describe the state of mind of a person who is hopeful and another who is in despair?


        Can you tell which of the two states of the mind go well with this poem?

Ans: Pessimism is to look at the dark aspect of something; while optimism is to look at the bright aspect of it. The poet is happy. He has good relations with all that is beautiful and fruitful. So, the mood of the poem is optimistic.

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