Poem No: 16



Jalauddin Rumi


Q /1: How many attributes of God are mentioned in the poem?

Ans: Three attributes of God are mentioned. These are `seeing, ` `Hearing,` and ’ Knowing.`

Q /2: What makes one scared (frightened of) sinning?

Ans: God is `seeing`. He sees everyone all the time. This stops one from sinning.

Q /3: What are the effects of the attributes/qualities of God?

Ans: The effects of God`s attributes or qualities are very positive. They make us a according to the meaning of these qualities. Then we do good deeds. We try to live nobly.

Q /4: Mention three more attributes of God.

Ans: GHAFFAR-the Great Forgiver
           AL-MOMIN-the Protector
           WADOOD-the Loving

Q /5: How do these attributes help in refining the character of a person?

Ans: `Ghaffar` means the Great Forgiver. We, thus, also try to forgive others.                           `Al-Momin` means the Protector. We, thus, sure that God will protect us.                                   `Wadood` means the Loving .This name makes us love and like others.

Q /6: God calls himself ``Hearing``. How does this attributes of God help one in daily speech?

Ans: When we come to know that God is all Hearing. We do not use foul language against any other in our daily speech.

Q /7: Do you think these attributes of God are remembered and kept in mind by us in our daily routine work?

Ans: Most of us do not remember these attributes اوصاف of God in our daily life. We cheat دھوکہ others. But the pious نیک people remember them and keep them in mind in their daily routine work.

Q /8: Write down a few sentences for each of the attributes of God given below with reference to the present lifestyle.

1         `Seeing to the end`
2          `Hearing to the end`
3          `Knowing to the end`

Ans: `Seeing to the end’: God sees everything all the time everywhere. So we should act nobly and work honestly.
`Hearing to the end’: God hears everything that we say anywhere and at any time. So we should talk well
`Knowing to the end’: God knows everything that we do anywhere at any time. We should act according to His rules and laws.

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