Poem No: 11





   Q/1: How is our life worthless/useless?


          What sort of life is a poor life according to W.H.Davis?


         What is the poet trying to say in the last two lines of the poem ‘Leisure`?

Ans: The poet says that life becomes poor if we do not have enough time to look at the beauty of nature. We are busy either in earning or spending. Our life is full of worries and fears.

Q /2: How are streams full of stars in daylight according to the poet?

Ans: The streams full of stars look like the skies at night.

Q /3: Explain personification in the poem?

Ans: In the poem Leisure’, ‘beauty` has been personified. Here this word stands for a beautiful woman.

Q /4: When does life become useless/worthless?


        What is this life if full of cares/worries according to the poet?

Ans: Life becomes useless when it is full of worries and we do not have time to enjoy the beauty of nature. Such a life is a poor life.

Q/5: What is the main/ central idea/theme of the poem’ Leisure``?

Ans: The main idea of the poem is that modern civilization has deprived man of two things.
First, it has deprived him of freedom and secondly it has made him greedy. He has no time to enjoy the beauty of nature.


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