Idioms and Phrases ( Group - G )




1.   Get up جلدی اٹھنا

Ali gets up early in the morning.

2.   Get rid of چھٹکارا پانا

We should try to get rid of bad habits.

3.   Give in ھار مان لینا

The two boys fought until one gave in.

4.   Give up ترک کرنا

He has given up smoking.

5.   Go back on وعدہ خلافی کرنا

Do not go back on your word.

6.   Get through گزرنا / پاس ہونا

He got through the BA examination.

7.   Go off خراب ہونا / چلے جانا

Do not drink the milk, it has gone off.

She will go off to school the next hour.

8.   Go by گزرنا

Hours go by slowly in times of trouble.

9.   Go through بغور مطالعہ کرنا

He has gone through this book.

10.Give and take کچھ لینا کچھ دینا

Life is a matter of give and take.

11.Give rise to ابھارنا / کا سبب ہونا

She never gives rise to her feelings.

Our hard work will give rise to success.

12.Get wind of اُرتی خبر سننا

He got wind of our plot against him and ran away.

13.Give up the ghost مر جانا

She gave up the ghost last night.

14.Give way گرپڑنا

Go not go to the old roof as it may give way.

15.Go to the dogs تباہ ہونا

We do not want education to go to the dogs.

16.Get over پر قابو پا نا

We can get over these difficulties.

17.Get into hot water مصیبت میں پھنسنا

If you disobey them, you will get into hot water.

18.Grease the palm رشوت دینا       

We had to grease the palm to get this job.



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