Idioms and Phrases ( Group - F )

1.   Fall out جھگڑ بیٹھنا
The brothers fell out over the money.
2.   Face the music خمیازہ بھگتنا
You should face the music after your mistake.
3.   Fair play مناسب برتاؤ/ سلوک                           
He has no sense of fair play.
4.   Feather in one`s cap قابل فخر اعزاز
This success is feather in your cap.
5.   Find fault with نکتہ چینی کرنا / عیب نکالنا   
Do not find fault with everything.
6.   Flog a dead horse لا حاصل کوشش کرنا
To try to win her love is flog a dead horse.
7.   For good ہمیشہ کےلیے                
He left the city for good.
8.   Fly in the ointment رنگ میں بھنگ ڈالنا
Your interference in this matter was a fly in the ointment.
9.   Fall off نیچے گر نا
The apple fell off the tree.
10.Fall flat اثر نہ کرنا
My advice fell flat on her.
11.For want of کمی کی وجہ سے         
The child died for want of proper treatment.        
12.French leave ضر ہونا بلااجازت غیرح
The student is on French leave now.
13.Fall a prey to کا شکارہونا
Do not fall a prey to greed.
14.Few and far between کبھی کبھی             
He comes here few and far between.
15.Fair weather friend مطلبی دوست          
He is only a fair-weather friend. 
16.From hands to mouth بمشکل گزارا کرنا
The poor live from hands to mouth these days.
17.For the sake of کی غرض سے
She sings for the sake of joy.
18.Finger in the pie ہرمعاملے میں دخل دینا
He has a finger in the pie of the club.
19.Fight with one`s back to the wall
Pakistan army fought with their back to the wall.
20.Fed up with اکتا جانا
I am fed up with the rain.
21.Feather one`s nest اپنا گھر بھرنا
Dishonest officers feather their nests.


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