Moral Story | The Fox And The Grapes

Moral Story | The Fox And The Grapes

Finding faults with things which people like to have but cannot get is very common. Then they begin to describe fallacies of those things in order to satisfy their so-called ego. They often say, "The grapes are sour." This fact is explained beautifully in the following story.

Long, long ago, there lived a fox in a certain jungle. His luck was bad but his mind was very ingenious and alert. One day, he felt awfully hungry. He roamed and rambled far and wide in search of food but he could not find anything to satiate his hunger. He went on walking with empty belly and open mouth for a long time. By chance, he happened to pass by a garden.

His eyes brightened at once. As soon as he caught sight of it, his mouth started watering and his stomach started twitching. "They will make good delicious meal," said the fox.

He decided to pluck up a bunch and eat them with relish. But as ill-luck would have it, grapes were hanging very high. He jumped up to get at them but could not reach them. He made strenuous efforts again and again to reach at the bunches of grapes but all in vain. He was badly defeated in his attempt and was utterly disappointed. His body was defeated but his brain was still alert, undefeated rather invincible. His ingenious and fertile brain started working quickly and soon coined a false excuse to console his heart and conceal his humiliation.

So, he gave up his efforts and went away saying, "The grapes are sour. I do not want to taste nor smell them."


The Grapes are Sour

People pretend to hate what they cannot get.


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