The Role of College Library

The Role of College Library

Library plays an important role in building a nation. It is a great set of learning and knowledge. A college or university without a library is a dark house. A college library enlightens the mind of students and enriches their knowledge about different fields of life.

Our college has a very big library. It is housed in a big, spacious building. It has three big rooms and a few corridors. It is a newly constructed building. It contains a big hall where a large number of almarahs, having books are lined up. They are classified subject wise. The catalogue of books is there to let us search the books comfortably. There is a big study room in the college library it is further divided into several cabins. The tables and chairs have been put in these cabins. The students sit here and study books and magazines and newspaper. A good thing about library is that there is perfect peace and silence here. The atmosphere of the library is very conducive to study.

There are two lawns in front of the library hall. These lawn are full of flowery plants. Green grass and sweet smelling flowers and enhance the beauty of the library. The hard-working and intelligent students visit it daily and study the books and magazines regularly. Our college library contains thousand books. They deal with all subjects related to life. There are books on literature, science, business, agriculture, medicine, engineering, computer science and all other topics related to old and modern times.  Two books are issued to a student for two weeks. A fine is charged if the books are not returned in time. The college teachers also get these books in a disciplined and orderly manner.

The library staff consists of a librarian, a clerk and an attendant. All of them are lovers of knowledge . The librarian is a very kind and soft person. He helps each boy in searching the book. He is very respectful to the students. It is his love and interest in books that the library is always packed with students. The students love and respect him. He is a great collector of books. He goes on collecting new books and their latest edition with passion and zeal.



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