Do Not Leap Into The Dark | The Cunning Fox And The Goat

Do Not Leap Into The Dark | The Cunning Fox And The Goat

Do Not Leap Into The Dark.

The Cunning Fox And The Goat

Hasty action before proper and careful planning may result in unforeseen dangers and difficulties. So, we should look before leaping into the dark. This truth is explained in the following story.

Once upon a time, a fox felt awfully thirsty. He went about in search of water for a long time. At last, he reached a well of cold water. He was overjoyed to find it but the water was too low to run his mouth. He bowed low to get the water. Unluckily, he slipped and fell into the well. As the water was not so deep, he was not drowned. He was caught in a fatal predicament. He could not come out of the well by jumping up. He was sure that he would die in the well. He began to cry in his trouble.

By chance, a goat happened to pass by that well. When he saw the fox in the well, he said, “Uncle what are you doing here?”. The fox was very clever. He at once said, “The water down here is very cool brash, and sweet. I am enjoying the swim here. You can also come down and enjoy the swim.” The goat was also thirsty. He did not ponder the situation and jumped into the well without hesitation. No sooner did the goat jump into the well, the fox jumped onto his back and came out of the well with a single jump. The goat began to moan in his predicament. A frog from under the water came up and said to the goat, “Don’t bleat now but repent of your folly because those who do not think before acting, have to suffer.”


  • Look before you leap.

  • Do not leap into the dark.

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