Haste Makes Waste

Haste Makes Waste

Haste Makes Waste

Hasty action is satanic. “Haste makes waste” is a famous proverb. It means that sections and decisions are taken in haste without proper thinking often led a person to irreparable loss and repentance. So, it is wiser to be slow but sure. The following story explains this bitter fact.

There lived a famous hunter with his only son in a rest house. He loved his son as intensely as anyone could love. He had a loud which used to go with him on hunting. The hound was deeply attached to the son of the hunter.

One day, the hunter went out hunting. Thinking that the hound was following him, he continued his journey. When he had gone a long way, he was surprised to see that the hound was not with him. Fearing some mischief, he returned home as fast as he could. He was stunned to silence to see the dog red in tooth and claw. He took it for granted that the hound had killed his son. He was beside himself with anger at this heinous and gruesome act.

The thought of revenge made him blind. He could think of nothing and took fire. He drew his sword and hastily killed the hound. The moment the hound was killed, the boy reached there at the door.

The hunter was astonished at this. Very soon, he came to know that the hound had killed a wolf who had tried to attack his son. His repentance knew no bounds. He had taken a leap into the dark. He had made haste and the result was sorrow and grief. The unhappy incident made him believe that haste makes waste.

Moral: Haste makes waste.



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