Why Boys Fail In College
(Past Papers Synonyms)
All Boards 2011 - 2018 ( Group I - II)
1. Nervous habits are not easy to uproot.
A. Get rid of
B. Nurture
C. Appreciated
D. Rejected
2. The boy must cultivate poise and calm death smoother the fidgets.
A. do away with
B. Reject
C. Develop
D. Detest
3. Only learning is not of much value unless he possesses the physical vigor to bring it.
A. Show
B. Strength
C. Habit
D. Ordinary
4. He has never learned what real application is.
A. job
B. Real purpose
C. Work
D. Study
5. It is always to the detainment of their health.
A. Gain
B. Loss
C. Benefit
D. Good
6. As a general thing, the boy wins out in such controversies.
A. Games
B. Comparison
C. Conflicts
D. Decision
7. There is no substitute for health.
A. Alternate
B. Indignation
C. Affection
D. Allowance
8. Many students have the native ability to pass the examination.
A. Hidden
B. Inborn
C. Natural
D. Ready-made
9. Many boys attempt seriously to make good.
A. Compensate
B. Concentrate
C. Struggle
D. Win
10. The nervous habits of college boys can only be eradicated by the boys themselves.
A. Overcome
B. Depend
C. Exterminated
D. Uprooted
11. The boy must take himself by the collar.
A. Strictly
B. by neck
C. deal firmly
D. by hands
12. An inevitable, it is an important reason for their apparent failure.
A. Indefinitely
B. Surely
C. Obviously
D. Scarcely
13. A few lazy bluffers drift into college and usually drift out again.
A. Pass by
B. Go aimlessly
C. Move up
D. Go down
14. A few lazy bluffers also drift into college.
A. Cheaters
B. Friends
C. Foes
D. Students
1. Get rid of
2. Develop
3. Strength
4. Work
5. Loss
6. Conflicts
7. Alternate
8. Inborn
9. Compensate
10. Uprooted
11. Deal firmly
12. Surely
13. Go aimlessly
14. Cheaters