A letter to your sister, suggesting some interesting books for her to read.
A.B.C. (City)
March 15, 2022
My dear sister,
Your letter
arrived while I was busy making a list of books for young students. You can
imagine how pleased I felt when I learnt about your thirst for knowledge. Nothing
will give you greater bliss than the reading of books. Milton
called them "precious life-blood of a master spirit",
and so they are.
You may like to read a number of books but why not begin with "The Fairy Tales" of Anderson. These stories will fire your imagination. You would love to roam in the fabled land where all strange things happen.

"Alice in Wonderland" is no less amusing. I wonder how a mathematician managed to write such a droll book! When you have finished these books, read some novels by George Eliot. "The Mill on the Floss" has been my favourite. What an excellently drawn character is the ever-glorious Maggie!
There are many other fine books which you must read. With all good wishes, and looking forward to another letter from you.