Most Interesting Person I Ever Met
1. When and where he met me.
2. His character conduct, habits, and dealings with the people.
3. Some incidents reveal his character.
Once I
happened to go to Chittagong from Karachi by ship. My cabin-fellow was a man
of short and sturdy build, Wasif Ali Wasif by name. His skin was rather dark
and he was always clean-shaven. He is fat cooked nose and very large eyes had
made him astringe figure. His long black hair was smooth and curly. He spoke
English fluently but his accent was not English. Whenever he talked, he made
many gestures. He was proud of being a Pakistani and liked to travel with the
Pakistanis. Too many labels on his suitcases showed that he was a much-travelled
man. Mr Wasif Ali Wasif was the most interesting person. I never met in my
Mr Wasif Ali was very social. He could mix with
every sort of company. In three days, he knew everyone on board. He was
serviceable to all. He used no formalities and called people by their names
without using the “Mr.” He ran everything. He managed sweeps and conducted the
auction on board off the ship. He arranged sports and collect money for prizes.
He got up golf matches and organised concerts and Fancy Dress Balls. He was
hearty, jovial and talkative. In short, he was everywhere and always. In spite
of all this, he was the best-hated man on the ship.
Wasif Ali was disliked by the people because he was in the habit of poking his
nose in everybody’s affairs. He offered to play cards with everybody end
showed his card tricks. He thrust his company upon others much against their
wishes. I could not walk around the deck without his joining me. It was
impossible to avoid him. It never occurred to him that he was not wanted. He
was sure that the people were as glad to see him as he was to see them. It was
at meal times that he was almost unbearable. For half an hour the people were at
his mercy.
Wasif Ali Wasif was very proud of his knowledge. I was the chap who knew
everything under the sun better than others. He discussed pictures and
politics. He was argumentative. To disagree with him was a challenge to him. He
didn’t drop a subject till the other party accepted his views. He never thought
that he could be mistaken. The people ironically nicknamed him “Mr Know All”.
He took it as an accolade to him.
evening the discussion floated to the subject of pearls. Mr Wasif asserted to
be an expert in dateline also. Mr Rasmay, an American officer, along with his
wife was also present. Mr Wasif pointed to Mrs Ramsay’s chain and declared
that it was made of real pearls. According to him, its price was 15 to $30,000.
Mr Ramsay refuted him and told that they bought it for $18. They bet on it Mr
Wasif examined the chain with a magnifying glass. His eyes showed and I guessed
that the pearls were real. But to my great astonishment, he admitted that he was
mistaken. He lost the bet and paid the amount. The news spread and he was ridiculed.
At night, In the cabin, I asked him if the pearls were not real. He told me
that they were real. He explained that when he looked add Mrs Ramsay’s face
there was a desperate appeal. He at once knew that the chain was given to her
by her lover. The husband knew only that it was bought for $18. To save the honour
of a lady he had accepted his defeat. I was full of admiration for him.
subject some unforgettable incident of your life.)
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