God's Attributes (Text & Explanation)

God's Attributes

POEM # 16

God's Attributes

(Dr. Nicholson)

Jalaluddin Rumi

(Text & Explanation)


These lines have been taken from the poem "God's Attributes" written by Jalaluddin Rumi, and translated by Dr. Nicholson.


The poem describes the importance of Divine attributes in Man's life. God's attributes are effective in guiding man on the right path.

Lines (1 – 4)

God calls Himself 'Seeing to the end that

His eye may scare you from sinning.

God calls Himself 'Hearing' to the end that

You may close your lips against foul discourse.


In these lines, the poet emphasizes the need for character building. He says that God's attributes help us in our character building. When God calls himself ‘Seeing’, it means that He urges us not to adopt the wrong path. Similarly, when God calls himself 'Hearing', He urges us not to weak foul against others. With His divine attributes, he wants us that we should recognize his presence and avoid committing sins.

Lines (5 – 6)

God calls Himself 'Knowing' to the end that

You may be afraid of Him to plot evil.


In these lines, the poet describes God's knowledge. When God says that He knows to the end, it means that He knows our actions. Nothing is concealed from His eyes. He knows how we speak and act. He just wants to make us think that we should avoid plotting against others. In this way, God's attributes are great blessings for man.

Lines (7 - 10)

These are not mere accidental names of God

As a Negro may be called camphor;

So are these names derived from God's attributes?

And not mere vain titles of the First Cause


In these lines, the poet says that God's attributes are not accidental names. A Negro may accidentally be called camphor, but God's attributes are justified. The redemption of man depends upon his firm belief in God and His attributes.



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