What Is A Report? Report Writing
“A report is information transferred from one person to another or from one group of
people to another group."
Dictionary meanings. Report-an account (description) prepared for the benefit of others,
especially one that provides information obtained through
2. To
report - to
give an account (description) of, especially a formal, official, or requested
Definition. A
report (N) is a statement about something heard, seen, done or read in regard to
some problem, happening, situation, suggestion, proposal or idea. A report is
based on information collected, examined (analyzed or investigated) and
arranged with a view to conveying it to someone, with the writer's conclusions
or remarks or criticism or without it.
4. To
report (V) means
to make a statement about, give an account of, something that one has heard,
seen, done or read about in regard to some problem, happening, situation,
suggestion, proposal or idea.
5. A
whether you read it in English or Urdu or any other language, is full of
reports by news reporters.
6. A
report is
formal or official in presentation,
result of a request made or assignment given to the writer of the report,
(c) is
based on information got through observation and investigation for the benefit
of others.
a report is an answer to a question or questions arising out of a situation.
1. A report can be written without the writer being asked or requested (to write
it). He can write it himself. prompted by some reasons, for the benefits of
Reports on printed forms, like confidential reports written by senior officers
on the performance of their juniors and market survey reports by salesmen and market
surveyors, are easy to write for which little effort and arrangement are needed.
Forms are readily filled in, some columns kept blank, and the reports are ready.
These are the regular or formal, official reports.
3. In
this chapter we are mainly concerned with reports written in essay form
preferably with titles and headings as presented in the various examples that
Reports are: (a) On forms (b) Not on forms (c) Technical (d) Non-technical.
(Technical reports with technical terms and technical explanations are for
technical experts.)
& Style:
words used in a report should be proper (appropriate) and preferably simple.
The sentences should be short and easily understandable. Each paragraph should
have one kind of ideas related through well-arranged sentences. It should look
like a unit of thought. Simple ordinary words and a simple, direct style should
be preferred in report writing.
of A Report:
1. The subject often determines the length. It should be as brief and relevant as possible but should present the most material (essential or important) facts. It should
not have long paragraphs and many details.
2. For
examination purposes, a report of moderate length, say of about three to pages
of the examination script, is recommended.
Explanation Of Reports, Memoranda & Letters:
1. In
report writing we collect information, analyze it and then report it to others
on given subjects.
2. Reports
can be very short, of medium length and very long.
example, a short report can be the visit of some person at some time
of a telephone call, of a meeting with someone, of the arrival of some
or their departure, and so on.
3. A formal long report can be of a bus or train accident, the sale of smuggled
goods in a particular market, the working of a particular government
department, and so on.
4. Then we
have routine and non-routine reports. For example, the lecture statement of the
students of a class in college or school is the routine report. It is given on routine
report. It is given on regular intervals and can be prepared on printed forms
or is written in a regular and formal way. The report of a happening like a terrorist
act or an accident is non-routine as the reporter writes it in his style or way
and arranges its parts more freely.
5. Reports
generally have a formal structure and tone. They do not have the
of address as we have in letters, pleasant leave-taking and exchange of greetings,
etc. They are without conversational elements.
6. A report is meant for official or formal study or for wide circulation or for
record purposes.
7. The
use of pictures, maps, and graphs is helpful in understanding numerical details
and facts. Computer graphics and laser printers have cheapened and facilitated
the accompaniment of these to reports of different kinds, say, on dams, roads,
markets, bus services, air traffic, advertisements and marketing, scientific developments
and progress, examinations and education, and so on.
8. The
terms of reference for a report
are to provide at the start. This may be its subject.
facilitate and systematize the usefulness of and ready reference to the report.
Non-routine reports
(a) For
our purpose, most of the reports we here deal with are non-routine as there are
no set routines of reporting, "no previous guidelines and no feedback
or information)."
(b) In
a report the investigator collects evidence, takes comprehensive notes, and records
the sources. Relevance to the purpose of an investigation is necessary. Important
facts and sources should be double-checked.
11. The
layout (arrangement)
basic requirements of the layout of a report are as follows,
(a) The
author's name, organization and reference, the title of the report, the date of issue
and the name or reference or the person or organization being addressed.
(b) The introduction. It would be the outline or background history that led to the writing of the report. The terms of reference or the subject should be given.
(c) The
main body. The structure and headings will depend on the subject matter.
(d) Conclusions
and recommendations.
have to be of a high standard, m a plan style, concise and well-structured.
non-routine reports:
Such reports are consultant reports, visit reports investigation into fraud, etc.
the form and content are likely to be determined by the kind of report, by the
readers and purposes as usual, and possibly by legal, professional, or
conventional requirements. These reports must be comprehensive. The writer is
likely to be less familiar with the readers - so prior discussions are
important in clarifying the purpose of the report.
(b) Use the simple and exact language and avoid unnecessary technical and professional language.
There should be no vagueness in the conclusions and recommendations.
(e) All
these reports should be formal and formally addressed. The tone of writing should
be official.
Internal non-routine reports
example, about changes in an organization, or the effect of some external
upon it. Subjects could include marketing. buying. policy, redesign of the product,
new production methods, etc.
Letters and memoranda
are for those in different organizations, or for those in the same
on special occasions. A memorandum or memo is for someone in the same
organization. It can be a short note written as a reminder. Letters emphasize courtesy
and memoranda emphasize efficiency. Letters are the informal or frank expression of
feelings, ideas, or even information. They are not divided into parts and are
not exactly like reports. They do not usually have a formal or official tone.
5. The basic outline of a report-problem or purpose; evidence; conclusion; recommendation.
(a) To
a lesser extent, subtitles can be included in letters.
(b) The
paragraphs of a letter are shorter than in a report because the message is
(c) The
words "To, From, Date, and Subject" keep the report relevant and
Information conveyed through a report should be brief and relevant.
Examples of reports
1. About
something heard.
Reports regarding a public leader's speech, speaker's lecture at a gathering. a
discussion at a seminar, a conference of
or preachers or leaders, radio or wireless or telephone message
from another place, a welcome or farewell speech at a party or gathering so on
in respect of some particular purposes or terms of reference.
About something seen. Reports regarding visits to factories, manufacturing
markets, shops, construction sites, buildings, airports, seaports, bus-
train-stations, polling stations, parks, parties, dinners, luncheons, schools, colleges,
universities, housing colonies, clubs, restaurants, hotels, and so on.
About something done. Reports regarding bridges or roads or buildings
by some agencies, school or college or hospital established somewhere, performance
of a student or class or actor or group of actors, work done by a government a servant in his particular capacity over a certain period of time, work performed
by factory workers in different capacities, work performed by members of
national or provincial assemblies in their constituencies with the funds provided
to them by the government, help provided by a government agency or private organization
to flood or earthquake or train accident victims, and so on.
About something real. Reports about a person's study of a certain book or research paper or
findings (the results of inquiries into crimes, misdeeds, charges of corruption
acts against the state, etc.), on published government bulletins, comparative
reports of national budgets of several years, exports and imports of several'
years, population growth and its results in different years, studies, conducted
and examination results of educational institutions in different years detailed
reports and proposals for the solution of traffic or housing problems rural
uplift or military training of the youth, on the data or statistics or facts provided
by different agencies regarding the price or crime or employment or health the situation in different countries or areas of the world, on the military preparations
of one country or more as described in books or magazines or newspapers, on the
national budget or taxes as provided in official papers.
(a) In
the above cases, the reports can be accompanied by pictures, illustrations,
charts, graphs, tables and indices (lists of names, subjects, references, etc.
arranged at the end
(b) There
can be very brief telephone or telex reports from one person to another at
another place.
Report writing is essential to journalistic, commercial, industrial,
administrative, educational, defence, and continuous organizational purposes.
Parts of a report:
A report should usually be structured under these headings:
1. Date.
2. To
(the person or officer or institution addressed)
3. From
(name or title of the writer). If the writer is not mentioned and this part is left
out, the report is still complete.
4. The
subject or title of the document
5. The
6. The
main text and conclusions
Suggestions or recommendations
Appendices (if any)-(additional explanatory material).
Explanation of the above parts of the structure of the report:
1. Date: It is to be written on the right-hand
corner of the first page of the report.
2. To: The person or persons or institution which
asked for the report or which needed the report or which needs to be addressed.
3. From. The person or persons or institution, which
is providing the report.
4. The
subject or title of a document. It is the subject or matter on which the
is written. It serves as the title of the whole report.
5. The
It introduces the subject of the report and gives its
if needed. It tells what the report about sets the scene-may refer to some
past reports or facts concerning the subject and may give the aims of the report.
(The introduction only prepares the reader for the main text of the report. and
the main text should be understandable even without it.)
main text and conclusions. The main text or the body of the report has its own structure. The
material is arranged properly with conclusions or results at its end. The facts
or descriptions or arguments should be presented and developed one by one and
methodically, in different paragraphs. Only relevant (to the point) details or
facts should be provided. The result or conclusions if any, should be very
relevant. These should come out in the appendices (if needed) out of the main
body, and nothing irrelevant should be included,
Note. If the report is likely to become long, only
the necessary information 'should be put in the main text, and the supporting
or secondary information in the appendices (if needed)
7. The
summary. The
summary of the report can be placed at the end or even at the beginning, but it
is written last. It is, in fact, the main points (or outline) of the report. It
comes out of the main body alone, and so should not have any irrelevant point.
The summary is a very brief reproduction of the main points of the main
body and conclusions of the report. It helps the reader in understanding at one
glance (quick look) what the whole report is.
Note. You may not include the summary if you like
so, but its inclusion adds
to the effectiveness of the report.
Suggestions or recommendations. If the report is such that the writer or reporter can
or should make his suggestions or recommendations, he should do so in this
part. Here the writer can very briefly discuss the subject and give his advice
and suggestions.
Note. If the report does not call for
suggestions, this part can be left out.
Appendices. (what
is added at the end). If some additional facts or detailed
can make the report more complete, this can be put in the Appendices plural of
"appendix "). The main report should be clear and brief and only that
information is to be put in it which makes it easily readable and
1. For
example, a reporter is called upon to report on the destruction of the mango crop
in and around Lahore in a particular year, he can write the report on the above
lines up to (viii) Suggestions and Recommendations. In (ix) Appendices he can
give details in the form of tables the number of mango gardens and their total production
in ten or more years prior to (before) the year of this report. He can give
some numerical comparisons with the mango production of different give varieties
in the other provinces of our country and some other countries.
2. The
Appendices may not be included in the Report at all which will be, in any case,
complete without them.