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H A P T E R # 15
Q.1. How did Chips encourage his
students during the air raids? (FB, DG, AK-08, GW-12, MN-13, DG-15) OR How did
Chips behave during the shelling. (SG-10, FB-11, LR, GW, DG, BP, SG-13) OR What was
Chip's reaction against air raid near class? FB-12) OR What did Chips say to
the students when a bomb fell quite near them? (MN-13) OR How did Chips take
his class during shelling? (FB-14, RP, SL15)
Ans. He kept the spirits of
students high by cutting jokes and keeping them busy in lessons. One day, when
five bombs fell, he said to his students that they could not judge the
importance of things by the noise they make. He behaved courageously and
Q.2. What did they discover after
shelling around Brookfield? (MN-10) OR Describe
the horrors of air-raid at Brookfield. (BP-10, DG, GW-14, DG-16) How many bombs
were dropped near Brookfield? (FB-12,13, RP-15, SL,16)
Ans. After shelling, they discovered
that five bombs had fallen in and around Brookfield. The nearest bomb fell just
outside the school grounds. Nine persons had been killed.
Q.3. Whom did Chips call
stink-merchants? (LR-07, GW-08, LR, SG-12, LR-14) OR Who was nicknamed the
"stink-merchant"? (LR-07,08, GW-08, MN, DG, GW-10, LR-12, SG-15)
Ans. Chips called the scientists
stink-merchants. The little weak Science Master Burrow at Brookfield School was
nicknamed as the "Stink- merchant." It was because the scientists
make bombs and fighting weapons whereas he hated this thing.
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