The Rain (Text & Additional Questions & Answers)

The Rain  (Text & Additional Questions & Answers)

Poem # 1
The Rain
(Text & Additional Questions & Answers)
Q /1. Describe the scene of sunshine after rain.
Answer: The poet says that after the rain, the sun brightens each dark drop with wondrous light. It seems a lovely sight. It creates a kind of rainbow in the sky.
Q /2. What does the word "Poor" mean in the poem? "
Answer: The word 'poor' means the lower leaves who could get little water like the poor people. As the poor people lack in the facilities of life, similarly, the lower leaves get little water to drink
Q /3. How does the rain waterfall on the leaves?
Answer: At first, the rainwater falls on the upper leaves and then drinking water. Then the water trickles down to the lower leaves and they drink its water.
Q /4. What is meant by rich leaves?
Answer: The poet calls the upper leaves as 'rich leaves' because they enjoy more quantity of rain than the poor leaves beneath.
Q /5. How can a rainy day be enjoyed?
Answer: A rainy day can be enjoyed by going out to a public place for a picnic party. A picnic party may be the best way to enjoy a rainy day.
Q /6. What is the main idea of the poem "The Rain?"
Answer: The main idea of the poem is that we should share our pleasures with others, The Rain is a great phenomenon in nature. Symbolically, it conveys the idea of equal distribution of resources between the rich and the poor.
Q /7. What sweet noise does the poet hear during rain?
Answer: The poet hears the sweet noise created by the raindrops on the leaves. It creates a piece of sweet music.
Q /8. Why does the poet hope to have a lovely sight after the rain?
Answer: When the rain stops, the sun fills every dark drop with a wondrous light. It seems a lovely sight to the poet.
Q /9. What does the sun symbolize in the poem?
Answer: The sun symbolizes hope and joy. It is the sign of revolution when all the rich and the poor will be treated equally. They all will enjoy luxuries of life equally without any discrimination.


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