John Keats (E X E R C I S E # 2) Important MCQs

M.A. English Part 2

John Keats

Important MCQs

E X E R C I S E # 2

1.   In 1816, John Keats come into acquaintance with:
     A.   Wordsworth
     B.   Shelley
     C.   Leigh Hunt 
     D.  Byron
2.   John Keats published his first volume of poetry and went to:
     A.   Ireland
     B.   Geneva Lake
     C.   Isle of Wight
     D.  Bay of Biscay
3.   1818 was a year of grief for John Keats because his brother died of:
     A.   Epilepsy
     B.   Consumption
     C.   Parkinson's disease
     D.  Heart attack
4.   In 1818, John Keats other brother left for:
     A.   America
     B.   Canada
     C.   Brazil
     D.  Argentina
5.   In 1820, John Keats suffered from a:
     A.   Heart attack
     B.   Chill and spat blood
     C.   Cholera
     D.  None of these
6.   John Keats died at the age of:
     A.   24 year
     B.   12 year
     C.   26 year
     D.  27 year
7.   John Keats died in:
     A.   1821
     B.   1822
     C.   1823
     D.  1824
8.   John Keats was buried in:
     A.   Height Gate graveyard
     B.   Catholic Cemetery
     C.   Vatican Church
     D.  Protestant Cemetery
9.   John Keats fell fatally ill in February:
     A.   1819
     B.   1820
     C.   1821
     D.  1822
10.      It is a miracle that Shakespeare had 30 years of poetic careers whereas John Keats head but:
     A.   3
     B.   4
     C.   5
     D.  6
11.      John Keats father kept a:
     A.   Stable
     B.   Pub
     C.   Theatre
     D.  Shop
12.      Who aroused John Keats literary talents:
     A.   Fenny Browne
     B.   Byron
     C.   Godwin Clarke
     D.  Shelley
13.      Godwin clock was John Keats’:
     A.   Friend
     B.   His master's son
     C.   Brother in law
     D.  Class fellow
14.      John Keats said, “I shall be among the English poets after my “:
     A.   Completing education
     B.   Marriage
     C.   Death
     D.  None of these
15.      “he is with Shakespeare” who has said it about John Keats:
     A.   Philip Sidney
     B.   Matthew Arnold
     C.   Ts Eliot
     D.  Bertrand Russell
16.      According to John Keats’ friend Brown, his poetic genius was awakened by:
     A.   Canterbury Tales
     B.   Lyrical Ballads
     C.   Fairy Queen
     D.  Paradise Lost
17.      John Keats was introduced to the Enchanted Gardens of romantic poetry by:
     A.   Chaucer
     B.   Spencer
     C.   Wordsworth
     D.  Crabbe
18.      In John Keats “Hyperion”, the spirit of:
     A.   Paradise Lost is visible
     B.   Fairy Queen is visible
     C.   Queen mob is visible
     D.  None of these
19.      John Keats was born at a time when the whole of Europe was shaken by:
     A.   Famine
     B.   Floods
     C.   Ideas of revolution
     D.  Sectarian horse
20.      John Keats early experiments are overcharged with:
     A.   Fancy
     B.   Imagery
     C.   Realism
     D.  None of these


1.   C
2.   C
3.   B
4.   A
5.   B
6.   C
7.   A
8.   D
9.   B
10.      B
11.      A
12.      C
13.      B
14.      C
15.      B
16.      C
17.      B
18.      A
19.      C


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