Hunger And Population Explosion (Past Papers Synonyms)All Boards 2011 - 2018 ( Group I - II)

Hunger And Population Explosion

Lesson: 9

Hunger And Population Explosion

(Past Papers Synonyms)

All Boards 2011 - 2018 ( Group I - II)

1. A tremendous population explosion is taking place.
A. Rapid
B. Dangerous
C. Huge
D. Flowing
2. Nine and a half million people were perished in a single famine.
A. Penalized
B. Suffered
C. Died
D. Deserted
3. We have the power to abolish the war if we have the will.
A. Edge
B. Sector
C. Majority
D. Determination
4. An appalling number of women died of the disease.
A. Ordinary
B. Agreeable
C. Small
D. Alarming
5. We have the power to abolish war if we have the will.
A. End
B. Splash
C. Fresh
D. Start
6. Widespread disasters were averted by the previous storage of food.
A. Prevented
B. Diverted
C. Shifted
D. Limited
7. Malaria was rampant in England.
A. Confined
B. Present
C. Limited
D. Widely spread
8. The sufferer of yaws becomes depressed and falls ill.
A. Overjoyed
B. Glad
C. Happy
D. Gloomy
9. Famine has been a problem since the very beginning of time.
A. Food shortage
B. War
C. Tussle
D. Population
10. A general massacre of the Americans is expected.
A. Killing
B. Appreciation
C. Cowardice
D. Intelligence
11. To educate the people was a gigantic task.
A. Beautiful
B. Huge
C. Small
D. Tiny
12. Muscles are destroyed and bones deformed.
A. Strengthened
B. Grown
C. De-shaped
D. Designed
13. The problems that have plagued Asian countries for thousands of years.
A. Fortified
B. Developed
C. Troubled
D. Uplifted
14. The ports of India could not cope with all the ships.
A. Buy
B. Steer
C. Manage
D. Destroy
15. It indicates the greatest paradox of our times.
A. Fiction
B. Contradiction
C. Grief
D. Relief
16. We can get some idea of these famines from our folklore.
A. Predecessor
B. Ancestors
C. People of the past
D. Traditions and stories
17. Corn is scarce and the food is lacking.
A. Mean
B. Short
C. Long
D. Soft
18. The early hunters suffered from starvation in winter.
A. Lavishness
B. Luxury
C. Hunger
D. Happiness


1. Huge
2. Died
3. Determination
4. Alarming
5. End
6. Prevented
7. Widely spread
8. Gloomy
9. Food shortage
10. Killing
11. Huge
12. De-shaped
13. Troubled
14. Manage
15. Contradiction
16. Traditions and stories
17. Short
18. Hunger


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