A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

Once upon a time a large number of birds and animals held a meeting in a forest. They wanted to choose their king. There were several proposals. They were all rejected for one reason or the other. The point under discussion was whether a bird should be their king or an animal. The eagle and the lion were two candidates for kingship. The matter could not be decided for a long time and a dispute arose among them. The birds began to fight against the animals.

The  behaviour of the bats was very strange. They did not take part in the battle. They sat silently and watched the whole situation. Soon the animals seemed to be victorious. The bats claimed that they were animals. They sided with them. After sometime, the victory fell to the lot of the birds. They flew over to their side. They claimed that they were birds because they had wings. In this way, they tried to please both the parties.

Both the birds and animals were greatly displeased at the dual games of the  bats. At last, the animals were victorious and the lion was made the king of all. The  bats went to their camp but the animals turned them out. They said that they were not animals because they laid eggs. Then they went to the other camp. They also drove them away. They said that they were not birds because they give milk to their young ones.  The bats were killed by the animals for their dual policy.

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