Our Sports and National Hero - Imran Khan

Our Sports and National Hero - Imran Khan

Almost every Pakistani knows Imran Khan, the great cricketers and social worker, and feels highly proud of him . He is still, after his retirement from international cricket and marriage, famous for his successes in cricket test matches in different countries .
Imran Khan got his early education at the Aitchison college, Lahore. Later, he studied in England at the Worcester Royal Grammar School and Oxford after which he was and abel and thoughtful young man. He came to have a while cricketing experience that gave him the ability to organise Pakistani cricket at the international level.
Imran's true glorious successes as a Test Cricketer came in 1982 and 1983 when he participated in the test matches in India. He United the Pakistani team showing that he was above all kinds of regional or sectarian differences. He told the team that he would favour any player from anywhere in Pakistan or having any religion only if he played well for his country. Nothing but Pakistan his dear to him and nothing but success through effort that he values most dearly.
After the defeat of India at his hands in 1983 he began to be taken as the king or lion of cricket in Pakistan. He later led his team to victory against England and the West Indies. In 1992, his greatest success came when he won the World Cup at Melbourne. An admirer of Imran wrote thus in the press: “There is no other cricketer like him, nor has there been in Modern Times. For, at the same time as being a great player, he has become a man of social commitment.” “Really great! For, he is also happy and hopeful in defeats. Whenever his team got defeated anywhere, he did not feel discouraged, but began playing better.
In England, Imran had made efforts with others to save rain forests. Here, in Pakistan he has succeeded in building a great cancer Hospital in the memory of his mother. After successfully launching the hospital with the collected money and his own. Imran has turned his attention to society and politics. He has boldly launched (initiated or started) we just party (The  Tehrik -  Insaaf) to bring justice, equality and honour to the people.
It will be to the benefit of the country if Imran Khan is given a place of equality and power in the power structure. In a commanding position, we can rightly expect that Imran Khan will rise much above party politics, and will punish the corrupt and the evil doers . He may, with the co - operation of like-minded people, introduce a political and economic system best suited to our society. If we have given chances to undeserving politicians and social workers to ruin this country and Society over the years let us try Imran Khan to reconstruct and glorify it.
Imran Khan is rightly one of the greatest Heroes of Pakistan. He has lived and worked for the glorification of his country and people. Let him work to their greater glory if he is so desires. Who knows he may come out as the Saviour of the poor people of Pakistan?


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