Terrorism OR Terrorism and Jihad OR Islamic Extremism OR Fundamentalism OR Islam VS Christianity OR Religious Intolerance OR Fanaticism

Terrorism has become one of the most dangerous forms of international crime. Terrorism means the threat or use of force against civilians or armed forces for the political or personal interest. Terrorist attack the civilian population to create terror in society. The resort to bombing, killing, hijacking and destruction of property. A large number of innocent civilians have been killed in these attacks. People are terrified at the cruel activities of terrorist.

Narrow - mindedness, fanaticism, fundamentalism,.   intolerance and religious extremism are considered the main causes of terrorism. Political and religious extremists do not tolerate their opponents and try to eliminate them. Some culprits do it for temptations of money. They are blind agents of other forces. It is also a fact that some intelligence agencies cause terrorism in enemy countries to destabilize them.

Islam is the most miss understood and miss interpreted religion in the west. A religion that stands for peace and Justice has been missrepresented as a religion of war. The Muslims are depicted by the Western media as extremists, fanatics, terrorists and backward. On religious issues, they are emotional and intolerant. Fundamentalists believe that they are the right people and all the rest are heretics.

On the other hand, there is no organised Muslim media anywhere in the Muslim world that can refute this Western  disinformation and give an accurate picture of Islam.

The Muslim concept of Islamic fundamentalism is the strict adherence to the age of the Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him). It is an effort to implement the Islamic principles of the golden age in the world of today for the revival of Islam. Jihad is totally different from acts of terrorism. Jihad means exertion, striving and Endeavour for the cause of God. Its object is to bring an end to operation and aggression against Islam. Its object is not to propagate Islam by use of sword.

The Quran has emphasized Jihad for noble cause: "Fight against those who treat helpless men, women and children cruelly". Jihad stands for performing Noble deeds for elevating moral character and for seeking refinement to attain in nearness Allah.

Terrorism is also different from political or Liberation movement . The Kashmir Liberation movement against India, the Palestine Liberation movement against Israel and Chechen Liberation movement against Russia cannot be regarded as the terrorist movements. They are engaged in an armed struggle to get freedom from the cruel rules. They are fighting against aggression.

Terrorism is an evil. It must be fought against at all levels. Governments and Nations must join hands to crush this evil and its agents. At the same time, the United Nations must take steps to remove the germs of dissatisfaction, deprivation and injustice from various regions of the world.


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